Thursday, March 19, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 78 - March 19, 2015

Just reading the words to today’s devotion brings a sense of peace.  Some of my most distressing times have been when I listened to voices of accusation.  To hear that these words are not from Him brings peace to my heart.  “He speaks to us in love-tones, lifting us up.”  When I was going through that difficult time in my life, I truly felt alone. When words of accusation and hurt were becoming a part of my daily life, I began to become discouraged and depressed.  With each word of accusation or gossip, it was as if I added another weight to the load.   I was becoming crushed and buried under the negative voices.  

I needed the reminder that HIS SPIRIT convicts cleanly, without crushing words of shame.   “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.”  Romans 8:1-2.  

Last night, in our “Breaking Free” study by Beth Moore she said something significant in terms of exposing truth in our lives.  “We uncover so we can excuse.  Satan uncovers to accuse.  But CHRIST uncovers to difuse.” 

Accusations come from the enemy.  Our excuses are from us alone.  But Jesus wants to difuse it all so we can finally break free!!!   

No one should have to carry the burden of despair.  Lets all speak words of encouragement and love.  “So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it.”  I Thessalonians 5:11 (The Message) 

mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 77 - March 18, 2015

Travel advice: missing your flight; currency in China; solo cruises

I am beginning to understand that trusting God is more than just one day at a time.  It is trusting Him one moment at a time.  Our world is constantly changing and moving.  When I can live each day just trusting Him to get me through, I experience more peace no matter how crazy things get.  The key is being aware of His constant Presence, “yielding to His gentle touch and being sensitive to His prompting.”  

I remember there was a time that I missed a connecting flight back home.  I had been in Virginia and flew through Chicago.  The flight was delayed in Virginia which caused me to RUN through the terminal to make the connection in Chicago.  Needless to say, I didn’t make it.   When I got to the gate, I saw the airplane sitting there.  They would not open the gate for me to get on the plane.  I had all kinds of “why not” questions.  Their answer was plainly, “Once the gate is closed we can’t re-open it.”  It made no sense to me.  I just didn’t understand.  They re-booked me on another flight three hours later!  

As I sat upset that I was stuck in Chicago, I got a telephone call.  It was from a friend whose young son was needing to interview a “missionary” for a school project.  He had 3 questions that he needed to ask me...and needed it that afternoon.    If I would have focused on my need to understand why they wouldn’t open the door to the plane...I would have missed His Presence in the simplicity of helping this young friend.  If I would have been on the plane, I would have missed a huge blessing! 

When I face other times of changed plans, I think back on this story.   God has a purpose and plan for everything.  I just need to be able to not get caught up in “worry-webs” and trust Him one moment at a time.  It is a much better way to walk through life! 

Just recently, I missed a flight home from Uganda.  That was a much more costly missed flight!  I ended up staying in Uganda for 2 more days.  It ended up being a blessing that went beyond my understanding.  I was able to go back to the children and finish interviewing each student.  I had run out of time and was going to have Godfrey finish the interviews and email me back with their responses.  But something significant happened as I sat with each student and listened to more than just what I thought I needed.  I heard stories of their lives before they came to Raining Hope.  I heard testimony of their lives before Christ and how difficult it was.  I heard how coming to Raining Hope (Living Hope at the time) was where they found Jesus...therefore finding hope.  It was 2 days that I will never forget.  

I would rather miss airplane connections than the blessings that He has waiting for me!!!  
mama eydie!! 

Jesus Calling - Day 76 - March 17, 2015

I am so thankful that my Lord loves me despite all of my failures past and present.  There was a time that I thought I had so disappointed God that I pulled away from church.  We can be so deceived that our failures are beyond forgiveness.  I am so thankful that He “views me through eyes of grace.”  I remember the moment of recognition that He was not done with me yet.  I experienced His forgiveness and grace in the “deepest recesses of my being - cleansing, healing, refreshing and renewing me.”   I still make mistakes and I disappoint myself regularly with my choices.  Yet He offers this forgiveness continually. 

These words are powerful all on their own.  “This great gift, which cost Me My LIfe, is yours for all eternity.   Forgiveness is at the very core of My abiding Presence.  I will never leave you or forsake you.”  

I am able to minister to others because of His Love that He continually pours into my life.  Instead of keeping it all to myself, He desires that it overflows into the lives of others.  Let’s share His love today with people He puts in our path! 

Knowing I am deeply loved, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 75 - March 16, 2015

“It is good that you recognize your weakness.  That keeps you looking to Me, your Strength.”  The moment we think that we have it all figured out is the moment that something challenges us to prove that we don’t.  We always will have room to grow and learn.  Even though I have deepened my relationship with Him, I still make mistakes.  I still get anxious when I have too much on my plate.  Yet, these moments are what God is using to cause me to depend more and more on Him.

“Instead of trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the lookout for what I am doing.”  At the time that I first wrote this I was on a flight home from Maryland.  I don’t normally have a window seat.  On international flights I like the aisle seat mainly so I don’t have to bother anyone when I have to use the restroom!  But when I checked in online, I  ended up changing my seat from an aisle seat in the back to a window seat towards the front on the right hand side.   At one point, I looked out the window and was given a marvelous gift from God.  There was the Grand Canyon, larger than life!   I was in awe of the majesty and beauty of His creation.  If I had not been sensitive to His leading to change the seats, I would have missed the magnificent view.

I believe that is what He is saying to us today.  You don’t want to miss the magnificent view that He has in store for you!  Relax and be on the lookout for what He has for you today.  The view awesome!   At the time I flew over the Grand Canyon I was listening to the Stephen Curtis Chapman song, “It’s Yours.”

Chorus: “It’s all yours God, yours God, everything is yours.  From the stars in the sky to the depths of the ocean floor.  And its all Yours, God, Yours, God, everything is Yours.  You’re the maker and keeper  Father and ruler of everything, It’s all yours.  All the greatness and power, the glory and splendor and majesty.  Everything is Yours.”

To be flying over the Grand Canyon and listening to this song is one of His blessings pouring out over me that was Indescribable!  (That is another song!)

It’s all His!
mama eydie

Jesus Calling - Day 74 - March 15, 2015

 Ways to Find God Treasure Map

Whenever I lead teams overseas, I challenge the team members to be on a “treasure hunt.”   One of the tools I use is the 40 Days with Jesus Devotional by Sarah Young each day for our quiet time.   Each person is on a treasure hunt during the 2-3 weeks to discover what treasure the Lord wants them to find.  I have been blown away each year to see what treasurers they find through searching the Scriptures and being quiet enough to hear from Him.  

In my case, the Lord had to bring me half way across the world away from my chaos to be still long enough to hear Him.  Yet, you don’t have to go all the way to Uganda to find your treasures.  “Learn to take mini-breaks from the world, finding a place to be still in His Presence and listen to His voice.”  Now that this truth has moved from my head to my heart, I know what it feels like to truly be still.  Once you find it, you will know the difference.  

Find your treasure then make sure to share! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 73 - March 14, 2015

We are surrounded by a world that is based on “working and taking.”  I hear regularly from other believers that they are too busy to rest.  Believe me, I was definitely guilty of this!  It took going to Uganda to break through the cycle to see just how busy and noisy my life was.  The simplicity of the verse, “Be still and know that I am God” is really what it is all about.   I am blessed!  

The more time that I spend with Him, the more I learn.  He does “pour His very life into me and all I have to do is receive it!”  It is having the faith of a little child to not only trust this truth, but to receive it with gladness in my heart.  

My children in Uganda don’t ask for much.  What makes them happy is when we simply come and visit them.  They love visitors!  They love being in relationship with others.  So many of you have received various letters from the children.  They write from their heart.  They just want to spend time with those who love and care for them.  When we go and visit, they are not as interested in material things.  They purely want to just be with us. 

We are just like that to God.  We are His children.  He desires to be in relationship with us.  So let’s start to slow down and take the time to just be still and know that He is God!” 

Blessings await! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 72 - March 13, 2015

I served in Haiti with the California Southern Baptist Disaster Relief group after the earthquake.   My role was a chaplain.  I vividly remember speaking with an older woman about Jesus.  As I spoke, someone on our team took a photo.  A light came shining through a break in the ceiling.  It hit just right above our heads.  I think of that picture as I read the words today, “As you sit quietly in My Presence, I shine Peace into your troubled mind and heart.  Little by little, you are freed from earthly shackles and lifted up above your circumstances.”   I was so challenged in my faith on that trip.  These people had lost everything.  Yet one after another they would say, “I may have lost everything, but I am alive!”  Others said that they had Jesus and that is all that matters.  The people of Haiti in the time of trouble and extreme loss, put it all in perspective.  They as well as the people of Uganda have taught me lessons in what truly is important.  

I truly did live my life for so long being shackled to my circumstances.  I spent a lot of years allowing myself to be robbed of my joy.  The chains were broken & I was set free the day I obeyed God and said, “I quit.”  This was the day that I quit my job.  But I realized that I also was making a proclamation that I would quit trying to run my life and turn that control over to Him. 

Life changing ... still changing but now FREE! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 71 - March 12, 2015

“If you mouth the words, ‘I trust You’ while anxiously trying to make things go your way, your words ring hollow.”  Ouch!  But how many times have I done this?  Probably too many to count!  

Our ministry in Uganda is a good example of waiting, trusting and hoping.  We now have been involved in Uganda for over 8 years.  We run our ministry trusting in the Lord to guide and provide.  We have countless examples that can illustrate this principle. Since the beginning of our ministry, we knew that we needed a van for transportation.  We did not have the money to purchase one.  We have trusted Him every step of the way as we waited on the answer.  

Just before one of my trips in 2014, I had an anonymous donor tell me that they wanted to make a donation to purchase a van!  This was unsolicited and totally caught me off guard.  I went to Uganda and talked with the person who could help me purchase a van.  I was just investigating the cost at this point.  He told me that the best way would be to import it because it would be cheaper.  He said it would take 3-4 months.  The very next day, he received a phone call that went something like this, “Robert, I have a van I need to sell.  Do you know anyone that would be interested?”  It turns out it was only one year old and in really good shape!  And the cost was just a little over what the donation would cover!  We now own a van!   We waited, had hope and trusted God.  He provided in a way that can only be explained by Him!  

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”  Psalm 27:14 

It is always worth the wait, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 70 - March 11, 2015

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”  2 Corinthians 5:7

“If you live your life too safely, you will never know the thrill of seeing Me working through you.”  When I took the step of faith to quit my job, I remember the emotions of that moment as if it were yesterday.    I remember long before that day came, someone spoke a prophetic word over me.  He said that he felt that God had so much more out there for me.  He said he believed that God was going to work through me in ways that none of us could even imagine. would take me leaving my job at the church in order for that to happen.  At the time he made that statement, I couldn’t imagine leaving my job there at the church.  I was holding onto what was safe.  Yet the day that I said, “I quit” was such a moment of complete freedom.  

It took a step of faith to walk out onto the water.  It has not all been easy.  I definitely have had moments that I have taken my eyes off Jesus and cried out for help!  But my life is one thrill ride after another now because I stepped out of the safety of what I knew and trusted in Him.  

So glad I stepped out of the boat!  You too can walk on water when you keep your eyes on Him. 

mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 69 - March 10, 2015

“Instead of approaching the day as a blank page that you need to fill up, try living it in a responsive mode; being on the lookout for all that I am doing.”  I think this is a trap that we all can fall into.  We wake up and try to fill up our days with all we want to accomplish in a day.  We start making lists just so we can cross things off!   At the end of the day, I can feel like I got a lot of things accomplished based on how much I checked off!    But what I really want is to get to the end of the day and be in absolute awe of what He had done!  This can only happen if we stop trying to fill our blank pages with lists to cross off.  What would happen if we would live our days in a responsive mode to His calling on our lives?  What would happen if we would put our full trust in God to lead the way? 

When I take teams to Uganda, I ask them to trust me.  We have said in ISP, “In order to go, you have to leave.”  I ask team members to empty themselves and just follow His direction.  This allows the Lord to simply pour into their lives.  This is how I went to Uganda the first time...follow and obey Him.  Because of that act of obedience, my life was turned in the exact direction that He wanted me to go!  His path was much better than the way I was headed.  I can’t imagine where I would be today if I would have insisted that my way was better.  

I had a vision of Disneyland when I read the phrase to “not approach our day as a blank page that I need to fill up.”  Can you imagine arriving at Disneyland to an empty lot trying to fill it in?  That was Walt Disney’s job to create what we now enjoy as “The Happiest Place on Earth.”  Yet, when we approach our day realizing that God has already designed and created our world...all we need to do is respond and follow His direction for our individual lives.   Anywhere we are is the happiest place on earth as long as we are following the True Creator! 

Trusting Him to Fill in the Blanks, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 68 - March 9, 2015

People wonder how I get done all the things I have on my plate. I am not the same person I was 8 years ago.  My life was spinning faster and faster.  I was mainly doing what Sarah Young stated, “The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance.”  So not only was I working 12 hour days, I was depending on it to meet my own needs...and I didn’t even know it.   The answer is I have learned to live my daily life returning to the “soothing Center.”  This is where I receive my energy as He fills me with His Love, Joy & Peace!  I would not be able to accomplish the tasks He calls me to if I didn’t spend quiet time alone with Him to rest in His peace and recharge my “batteries.”  I love the phrase, “cushion of calm at the center of my life.” 

I love the care facility where Carol’s mom now lives.  The floor she lives on is called “Reminiscence” specifically designed for Alzheimer’s patients.  One of my trips I was there for 13 days.  I began getting to know the other residents.  On my last day there, one of the ladies came up to where I was sitting.  She pulled up a chair and just began talking to me.  She had a lot of various thoughts all jumbled together.  She was talking really fast and seemed concerned.  She finally made a comment about how she was worried about things in her life that she should be taking care of.   I said, “You don’t have to worry.  It is all being taking care of.”   She said, “Really?  Ok, good.”  She relaxed and you could see her anxiety melt away.  

No matter who we are, we need a gentle reminder that we do not need to worry or be anxious because the Lord our God is with us (Philippians 4:6-7).   I am still learning how to put my complete trust in Him, especially when my world around me spins too fast!  Yet the more I do it, the more I crave that cushion of calm!  I love the picture Sarah Young paints of our weakness being saturated with His Power (and His Peace!) 

Cushions of Peace! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 67 - March 8, 2015

“Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.” Powerful statement that is simple and true. I wish that I would have learned this lesson a lot earlier in life. I see the times when this statement has come to life. When I stop striving to control a situation and seek His direction, everything truly does fall right into place. Most of the time, the outcome is way better than what I was working towards!

When Carol told me that she was moving to Maryland, the shock was more than I could comprehend. Yet, because I knew she was following the Lord’s plan for her life, I knew it was also part of the plan He had for my life. We truly have walked by faith in this process. We didn’t know how we were going to logistically move her mom to Maryland who no longer can walk. God knew and He worked it out better than the plans we had. Every aspect of moving Carol was filled with a lot of “how do we do pull this off?” Who knew? God did! We experienced so many God moments in conjunction with this move of faith. It is turning out so much better than we could have anticipated or planned. I love Washington DC & Maryland! Now, I have a best friend who I regularly get to visit because she said yes to God! God knows the desires of our hearts. He just asks us to seek Him first each day. His ways are so much better than anything we could plan.
Who knows? God does! Every piece of our life, He knows where the pieces fit together. Let His hand be the one that puts it all together for His glory! 

mama eydie

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 66 - March 7, 2015

Day 66 - March 7, 2015 - Jesus Calling
The days that I don’t rely on the Lord to help me are the days that are filled with frustrations.  We are not meant to do life solo.  A good example of this is my last year visiting Carol in Maryland.  Carol & I talked regularly about this being a team effort.  I remember the first time that I went to stay with Carol while her sister and niece came to California.  Carol can not stay alone so they brought me there to be with Carol, take care of the four dogs and the house.   The day I arrived, Carol’s sister, Diane had two lists typed out for me to help me remember what I needed to do.  I loved it!  The 4 small dogs all require specific things...especially when it came to meal time!  I arrived the day before they left so I could shadow Diane to learn what I needed to do.  You can be assured that I followed the list EXACTLY!  They were able to travel to the west coast because they knew their family on the east coast was left in good hands!  The puppies were extremely grateful that I followed the instructions!  

If I would have tried to go about it alone, or worse yet, tossed aside the instructions thinking I knew better than would have been a disaster!  In the same manner, God leaves an instruction manuel for us.  Daily He wants to show us how to depend on Him to walk through everything that we are faced with.  Believe works best when we follow the One who gives us THE instructions!  

The cool thing was the next time I went to Maryland, Diane left me another note... “You’ve got this!”   It warmed my heart that I had followed the instructions so well the first time...they trusted me to do it right from that point on!  I travel regularly now to Maryland and it all has become second nature to me.  I believe it is the same with instructions from God.  His Word tells us what we should do.  Wouldn’t it be great if we hear those same words from God, “You’ve Got This,”  ... especially with those things we have struggled for years to overcome!  

You’ve got this! 
mama eydie ! 

Jesus Calling - Day 65 - March 6, 2015

In Matthew 4:18-22 it tells the story of Jesus calling his first disciples.  I am always amazed when I read those verses how they did not hesitate.  If you read those accounts, Jesus said to Simon, Peter & Andrew,  “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.”  Then with James & John,  “Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

So what takes us so long to follow Him when He says, “come, follow Me!?”  How many times does He have to repeat Himself in order for us to follow His lead?  Oh, to have the faith to continually trust Him no matter what.  His Word is true.  If I delight myself in Him, He WILL give me the desires of my heart.  

What would life be like if we could become followers who instantly obeyed His leading in our lives?  

Let’s Find Out! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 64 - March 5, 2015

The first line of this devotion today caught my eye.  My first response was, “what?”  I can’t imagine making friends with my problems in life!   I guess I had not thought of it that way.  I have come to believe that everything does work together for good (Romans 8:28).   At the time that I might be tripping over one of those stumbling blocks, it doesn’t feel so good.  But when I look back on those difficult moments, I see how I needed to walk through that valley in order to get to where I am today.  

Just about the time that I was walking through my darkest time in my ministry, I accidentally cut my hand while washing dishes at home.  I ended up having surgery on my right hand and it left a scar.  The scar is a reminder not as much from the injury, but of how I survived one of the most despairing times in my life.  Even though I did not understand the “why’s” of what was happening, I know that it was all a part of the painting of His Masterpiece in my life.  The scar continues to this day to remind me that I not only survived, but I became stronger through the trials.  

The words to a song by Mandisa, “What Scars Are For" is a picture of how beautiful our scars can be!  

“These scars aren’t pretty, but they’re a part of me
And will not ever fade away.  These marks tell a story of me down in the valley
And how You reached in with Your grace and healed me

They remind me of Your faithfulness and all You brought me through
They teach me that my brokenness is something You can use
They show me where I’ve been and that I’m not there any more
That’s what scars, that’s what scars are for, what scars are for

Erase, rewind, wish I could every time
The hurt, the pain cuts so deep.  But when I’m weak You’re strong
And in Your power I can carry on.  And my scars say that You won’t ever leave

I see it on the cross, the nails You took for me
Scars can change the world.  Scars can set me free” 

Living Free, 
mama eydie 

P.S.   I actually do have “nicknames” for those problem times in my life!  Who would have known that was actually helping me to “approach them with familiarity rather than with dread!”  

Jesus Calling - Day 63 - March 4, 2015

One of my favorite movies is “Snow White & the Huntsman” with Kristen Stewart & Chris Hemsworth.  There is a scene when they are attacked by a big, scary troll.  The Huntsman tells Snow White to run while he trying to fight the beast.  The Huntsman gets knocked unconscious by the troll.  Snow White, does not run off & she stands up to the troll.  She yells right back at him.  The huge troll lets out a roar that causes Snow White to fall back onto the ground. Instead of being scared or intimidated by the beast, she stands back up and stares it down.  The troll looks in her eyes and turns around and leaves.  The Huntsman wakes up and reprimands her for not leaving.  But she said, “If I would have you would have been killed.”  

The “wolves of worry” can sometime look like the troll in this movie.  Big,ugly, loud & intimidating.  Our society tells us to run, worry & feel sorry for ourselves.  Yet, when we stand up to the things that cause us to worry and be anxious, the fear will disappear.  Snow White is a character who is the daughter of a king.  The troll seemed to sense that as he stared her down.  We, as children of God are daughters & sons of THE King.  As we stand in the face of fear and worry I pray that all others will see is His presence in me.  We have nothing to fear.  If we choose to walk in fear & worry, we have no idea who that might affect.   So let’s stand up today against the “wolves of worry!”  As we stand up against the enemy, no matter how loud the growl, His Presence will conquer every time!  

Daughter of the True King,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 62 - March 3, 2015

This is a picture of what my life has been.  “Many of My children run around in circles, trying to obey the various voices directing their lives.”  Sad but true this was my life for so many years.  I allowed well-meaning people to direct my life.  In a quest to do my job with excellence, I misinterpreted that I could never say no.  I didn’t want to disappoint people so I continually said yes to everything.  I didn’t realize how much of the frustration I was facing was due to my falling into this trap.  

I have been learning that in order to discern the difference between direction from the Lord and distractions from the enemy is my need to know His Voice alone.  The only way to do that is by spending time with Him.  I think we have all heard the example of how bank tellers are trained to spot counterfeit money.  It is not by studying the fake money, but by knowing the real money so well you can tell when a counterfeit bill passes through your hands.  It is the same with hearing His Voice. If you want to tell the difference between the voices, spend time with Him.  It makes all the difference in the world.  I am so thankful that my Jesus loves me for who I am, not for what I do.  

Learning to listen well, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 61 - March 2, 2015

“People search for life in many wrong ways: chasing after fleeting pleasures, accumulating possessions and wealth, trying to deny the inevitable effects of aging.”  When I read this it brought to mind the dreaded “mid-life crisis.”  So I looked it up on the internet and found an article by the Huffington Post, 12/12/2013.  It asked this question,  “But how does this period of self-reflection really present itself, and how can we recognize its grip on our lives?”  

Studies do show that at least a third of men in their 40s and 50s admit to forking out big bucks on a new car as a result of a midlife crisis. And some women admit to getting Botox or making some kind of drastic change to their appearance during this transitional period. (A footnote: Women are more likely to go through a midlife crisis earlier than men, often between the ages of 35 and 44.)”

I think that we can put such an unhealthy importance on earthly things, that we don’t realize the negative grip it has over us.  I think you have heard the phrase, “The person who dies with the most toys wins.”  But I just heard someone else add, “The person who dies with the most toys is still dead.”   We’ve also seen the effects of plastic surgery gone wrong,  instead of just aging gracefully.  

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.  He has Joy unspeakable just waiting for us.  What he has to offer is so much better than ANYTHING the world tries to offer.  Grow gracefully with Him throughout your life, no matter your age!  

Seek Him Alone! 
mama eydie ! 

Jesus Calling - Day 60 - March 1, 2015

I truly did learn the lesson of trust by being wrapped up and tied in a whole lot of difficulty.  The cost was high.  The lessons were hard.  Yet the end result of His Peace was worth every moment.    Throughout my Christian walk I knew in my head the importance of trusting Him.  But when I had to walk through the deep valley of despair and disappointment is when that reality of trust moved from my head to my heart.  I spent a lot of time anxious about the problems I had been facing.  It wasn’t until I let go and trusted Him completely that the Peace that passes all understanding overwhelmed my heart.  

I also learned a huge lesson since God called me to the work in Uganda.  I have quoted this from “Release the Power of Prayer” by George Müller.  “After turning his life to Christ, he provided for over 10,000 orphans – without every asking anyone but God to supply their needs.  He wrote, “But if we do not patiently wait for God’s help, if we seek a deliverance of our own, then at the next trial of our faith, it will be the same as before; we will once again be inclined to try to deliver ourselves.  Thus, with every fresh instance of this kind, our faith will decrease; while on the contrary, if we were to “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (2 Chron. 20:17) to see His hand stretched out on our behalf, and to trust in Him alone, then our faith would be increased.” 

George Mueller said this of himself:
"…I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk about, when I lie down and when I rise up. And the answers are always coming. Thousands and tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right and for the glory of God, I go on praying for it until the answer comes. George Mueller never gives up!"

We do face difficulties with our ministry in Uganda.  There are times I don’t know where the money will come from to take care of the children.  Yet I have learned a valuable lesson of trusting God from the example set by George Müller.  It is amazing how overwhelming His Peace is when you cast all your cares upon Him.

Simply Trusting Him! 
mama eydie! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 59 - February 28, 2015

I definitely have moments that I have been hard on myself.  “Don’t look for affirmation in the wrong places: your own evaluations, or those of other people...above all, stop comparing yourself with other people.”  Recently, I have been reflecting a lot on the competition that seems to exist among people, and yes, even within the body of Christ.  My question becomes, why?  I have seen so many of the problems that exist in relationships today are a result of competition & comparing ourselves to others.   This I believe is a source of much of the backstabbing, gossip, and ruining of reputations that tears at the souls of who we are.  

Last year in the Winter Olympics, I was very impressed with the unity that existed among the competitors.  You would see competitors from one country genuinely happy for someone else from another country when they won a medal.  I heard one say that it is because they travel the circuit together and compete at so many other events.  They truly are friends that support one another in the sport. What a beautiful example of unity and support.  They cheer one another on.  They congratulate them in their successes.  Why don’t we seem to be able to do this in ministry?   I know what it feels like to have people actively working against me and rejoice if they see me fail.  Again I ask, why do we do this to one another?  “Comparing is not only wrong: it is also meaningless.”  

“The only source of real affirmation is His unconditional Love.”  The more that I immersed myself in His Loving Presence, the more I listen to Him and know that as long as He is well pleased, that is all that matters!  

Let’s make sure we too are lifting up one another...encouraging one another... and spurring one another on towards love and good deeds!  Hebrews 10:24! 

Rejoicing in the Lord today! 
mama eydie ! 

Jesus Calling - Day 58 - February 27. 2015

I am not the greatest swimmer.  I will never forget taking swimming lessons.  One of the ways that they tried to teach us how to swim was a technique that I did not enjoy.  They had us jump into the pool and reach for the nearby pole.  They were not going to let us drown, but it sure felt like it!  All I remember was jumping into the water and being terrified because I couldn’t find the pole.  The water seemed to overwhelm me.  I probably had my arms flailing all about in a panic.  Not only could I not feel the pole, to me it was nowhere in sight.  All along, the instructor could see me and was not going to let me drown.   I was so relieved when my hands finally took hold of the pole.  Giving up was not an option...that would mean drowning!  But to this day, I am not a good swimmer because after that episode, I didn’t return to lessons.  What happens in our Christian walk when we give up after being disappointed that things are not going our way?   

In swimming lessons, we have an instructor always nearby.  In life, we have Jesus as our Instructor.  Can you imagine Jesus looking at us while we worry about what is happening around us?  While we think we are drowning in our circumstances, He is extending His hand asking us to grab on!  All we have to do is reach out and trust Him.  (Psalm 73:23)!   

Don’t give up...grab on! 
Mama eydie!