Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 30 - January 30, 2015

Once I recognized that His daily Presence was the key to His peace, everything around me began to fall into place.  The more that I keep my focus on Him, the more the things that used to occupy my mind would fade away.  It truly was as if I was living in bondage...and I didn’t even know it.  Not until I broke free and gave it all over to Him did I truly experience His Peace.  The day I left my job and all the junk behind, I experienced the “peace that passes all understanding.”  To this day, that Peace occupies my day to day life.  It truly is how we can walk through the challenges of this life. 

Think on this phrase, “Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god.”  In does chain us down.   The devotional said, “What goes on in your mind is invisible, undetectable to other people.”  While others may not be able to detect what we are actually thinking, it is far from invisible.  It is detectable by our actions.  When we worry it affects every part of who we are.  It does effect our decisions and how we treat others.  

This became so true of my job at the church.  It occupied so much of my time and energy.  I made the church my god rather than focusing on my relationship with the true God.  I didn’t realize how much bondage I was in.  It became easier than I thought because full-time Christian work is suppose to be a good thing, right?  Yet I allowed the “gods” of church to occupy more of my mind than my giving God that time He alone deserved. That is where I found myself in trouble and didn’t know why.

What is it that occupies your mind the most?   Refresh yourself in HIs Presence alone today!  It truly will make a difference! 

Keeping My Eyes on Him! 
mama eydie 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 29 - January 29, 2015

In the movie, “Finding Nemo,” my favorite character is Dory.  I think it is because I relate to her so well.  Her “short term memory” and how she can so easily be distracted is so me!   I saw a cute photo with Dory at the top and the phrase, “Keep Calm & Nope...Lost It!”  I can do the same thing so often.  I can get so sidetracked that I forget what I was talking about...or I am talking and then all of a sudden I say, “Oh look, there’s a fish!”  

Sometimes I just have to say to myself, FOCUS!  I have experienced this when it comes to my daily life.  When I “bring every captive thought to Him” it truly can change the way I live out my day.  Any time I can become anxious, if I bring it to Him in prayer I will experience His peace.  When traffic on the way to Riverside gets crazy, instead of getting upset at the other drivers, I pray for them.  When I can remember to focus on Him , “confused ideas are untangled while I rest in the simplicity of His Peace.”  When I act like Dory and get distracted by the things that come my way, I take my eyes off Jesus.  Usually this does not work out too well.   The key to His Peace is to keep our FOCUS on Him! 

Dory would say, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”  

Keep calm & keep your focus on Him!   Keep calm & keep your focus on Him! 
mama eydie !

Jesus Calling - Day 28 - January 28. 2015

“People respond to My continual Presence in various ways.  Most Christians accept this teaching as truth but ignore it in their daily living.”  This was true of my own life.  When I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, I understood that I now have a personal relationship with Him.  His Presence should have made all the difference in the world.  Yet because it is unseen, there were times I lived my life forgetting that He is right there with me in everything that I say or do.  

Then eight years ago, I had that “ah ha” moment.   Little did I know that I was lacking in truly having a DAILY RELATIONSHIP with Him.   As I watched the children in Uganda display this authentic faith in Jesus, I realized something was missing in my walk.  The simplicity of it all was that I just was not spending enough time in daily communication with Him.  The Word began to come alive in my hands!  I started spending more time daily reading and studying His Word.  I spent time talking to Him each day .  Amazing how a relationship can grow when you invest in the relationship! 

The move that Carol made back East has taught us both many valuable lessons.  Living with Carol for 7 weeks while I helped her through the packing and moving process caused us to spend quality time together.  We were given a gift by being able to have so much time daily together.  In the 18 years since I’ve known Carol, this process of her moving has caused us to be closer than ever!  Why?  Because we value our relationship and do everything we can to invest in it.  The more time we spend together, the deeper the friendship becomes.  The time I just spent in Maryland on my way home was precious because we actually had a couple of days to be in each other’s presence. 

How much more exciting is it that Jesus’ Presence is ALWAYS with us!!   He is just waiting to spend that quality time with Him!  Why not spend time with Him today and see for yourself!  I am not sure why I waited so long! 

Experiencing His Peace,
mama eydie

Jesus Calling - Day 27 - January 27, 2015

Proverbs 3:5-6 is definitely a life verse for me.  I have depended on this promise from the Lord time and time again.  The words of this verse say it all, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  

I am learning on this trip to Uganda that He has everything in control.  As I lean on Him and ask Him to guide and direct me, He will show me the path that He has carved out for me.  As I pray for wisdom and discernment, I pray that I do not go ahead of Him in any decision.  I look back on past years with Raining Hope.  Each year has brought a different set of challenges and decisions.  If I would have acted on my own understanding of what I thought we should do, we would be digging ourselves out of a hole right now.  But trusting in His direction sometimes takes time to understand.  We have heard many say that it is not the destination but the journey that is important.  Both are important, but we want to make sure we arrive at the destination that He has planned for us.  

On one of the homeschool field trips that we took to Washington DC for Kiana, the Smithsonian cleverly used the movie, “Night at the Museum” to create a “treasure hunt” to walk through their various museums.  I am not a museum person as Carol and Kiana know!  But because they gave me a fun tool to use, I was the one leading them from place to place to find the answers to the questions!  I was enjoying the journey so much more because at each stop, it was exciting to find the answers!  

We are given the right tools to walk through this life.  His Word is our guide book to find great treasures in this world.  He is willing to be our Guide if we just trust in Him with our whole heart.  Each experience will guide us to the next clue to find the treasures He has in store.  Pull out your Treasure Map today!  His Word will guide & direct you on THE right path.  This is a much better way to walk through life! 

Finding His Peace,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 26 - January 26, 2015

We can so easily get tangled up in needless worry.  I wish that I could have learned this lesson earlier in my life.  One of the reasons that the problems I encountered over 8 years ago when I was walking through that difficult period was because I was trying to solve the problems that were bombarding me.  If only I could have “poured my energy into seeking Him, the Perfect One...what a difference that would have made.  I would have worried less and probably suffered less heartache to my heart.  

Once I learned to let go and put my trust in Him not man, that is when He began to teach me how to truly walk through my troubles.  Through that dark time in my life, it wasn’t until I gave up all control to Him did I begin to experience true peace.  I picture those “trust walks” that we have done as exercises to learn to trust the one that is leading you by the hand.  This is the picture I have of that time in my life.  I basically blindfolded myself so that I could not see what was up ahead.  I followed the wrong leader.  But then I grabbed Jesus’ hand and let Him lead.  In the midst of that His peace overwhelmed my heart.   I want to believe that others see “His Light shining brightly through me rather than chaos, control and worry.  

He knows the way.  Let’s follow Him with confidence and peace.  There is no other way. 

This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine! 
mama eydie  

Jesus Calling - Day 25 - January 25, 2015

“Let my Love enfold you in the radiance of My Glory.  Sit still in the Light of My Presence, and receive my Peace.”  As I read this in Uganda, I embraced the whole devotion as such a gift from the Lord.  God sent me to Uganda 8 years ago to experience this very truth.  I have learned by experience that “these quiet moments with Him do transcend time.”   There is such a peace about being at the Nile River.  It is as if time just stops and it is just God and me.  

So many of you know that my life was transformed when I traveled to Uganda for the first time.  But it is not only that I have a wonderful group of children at Raining Hope as my extended family.  It is not only because of the work we do taking care of needs of those in Uganda.  It is because in Uganda is where I learned the value of a daily, intimate relationship with Jesus. It was in Uganda that the Lord began that transformation process from the inside out.  

The more that I give Him the sacrifice of my time, the more He truly is abundantly blessing me and my loved the US and in Africa!   

Be still,
mama eydie kisakye! 

Jesus Calling - Day 24 - January 24, 2015

This is one of my greatest treasures that I have received, the gift of His Peace.  I think that it is interesting that the devotion today calls it “a pearl of great price.”  The fact that I am in Jinja, Uganda the place they call “The Pearl of Africa‘ is amazing timing.  Someone from South Africa I know sent me a message on Facebook and said, “Welcome back home to the Pearl of Africa!”  

I have related to the parable in Matthew 13 about the Hidden Treasure.  “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field.” (Matthew 13:44)  I received the gift of His peace when I came here to Uganda during a very difficult time in my life.  Just like the parable, I seemed to stumble onto His Peace in a place I wasn’t anticipating finding it.  This place is priceless.  Those who have come with me to Uganda know what I am talking about.  Peace abounds here.  Specifically when we stay at the Hotel Paradise, it is as if the buried treasure is all over these grounds!  That is why I continue to invest in the lives of others to bring them here to this place.  My life was transformed here as I dug for buried treasures!  

The parable of the Pearl Merchant is about the merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. “When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”  God paid a huge price in order to redeem us.  He sees value in us!  This was a new revelation for me that these two parables are back to back in the gospels.  It  shows the value of the treasures He has hidden for us to find...but that He values us as His treasure!   Wow! 

Look for hidden treasures today that are all around you! 
I am still finding them here in Uganda! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 23 - January 23, 2015

As I sit here at the River Nile, there is a peace that flows throughout my soul.  The Lord brought me here 8 years ago to teach me how to “be still and know that He is God.”  I have learned to “intersperse these peaceful interludes abundantly throughout my day.  It has enabled me to attain a quiet & gentle spirit, which is pleasing to Him.”  

I Peter 3:4 has been one of my life verses.  You know that I don’t have a very loud voice & I am not the loud one at a party!  But this verse took on a deeper meaning the past 8 years.  God had to bring me half way across the world to get me out of my busy life in order to hear Him.  Because of my wounded soul, I spent much time alone trying to make sense of a senseless situation.  I gained a new strength in the meaning of a 
“gentle and quiet spirit.”  His power can speak loud even if no words are said.   The kind of gentle & quiet spirit 1 Peter 3:4 is talking about is not weak.  On the contrary, it is strong & powerful because it is a spirit that desires to please Him above man.  (Romans 2:29) 

The people of Uganda have this strength.  At times their voices are so quiet it is hard to hear.  Their lives revolve around Jesus.  There is a stark difference when I hear visitors come with loud, boisterous voices echoing through this peaceful oasis.  The louder things get around me, the quieter I now become.  When I was being debriefed by Kristen White after one of my ISP trips about this, she said, “Eydie, the loudness of others really affects you because I don’t think you realize just how Ugandan you have become!”  I love it! 

I pray others would be able to see Him in me whether I say one word or not.  Coming back to the Nile is always my reminder of how His Peace speaks loud and clear! 

Quiet Before Him, 
mama eydie  

Jesus Calling - Day 22 - January 22, 2015

This has been what has made the difference in my life it “trusting Him more and more in all areas of my life.”  Pastor Cliff always has said, “To praise God in all circumstances.”  This truth, as hard as it has been at times, has made all the difference in the world.  If I say that I trust Him with my life, I need to prove that in my actions.  Proverbs 3:5-6 is a favorite verse of mine.  Reading in the Amplified version gives it even more depth. “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insights or understanding.  In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” 

When I saw the words, “Lean on” I thought of the Bill Withers song, “Lean On Me.”  Look up the words to that song.  It is a secular song, but has a good message when it comes to friendship.  I love the verse that says, “Lean on me, when you’re not strong.  I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.”  There are times that we lean heavily on a friend to help carry us through.  But there are also times when we look for someone to lean on, but they let us down and are not there.  Yet, Jesus is there at all times as the One who we can always lean on.   I find the more that I have learned to lean on Him, it has given me a peace that passes all understanding.  It is my default now.  As others have let me down, I have learned that He never does.  

So why not go to Jesus who we know will never let us down.   Lean on Him and He will help us carry on in our journey. 

No worries!  Just trust Him! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 21 - January 21, 2015

I love this truth that my security rests in Him alone - not in other people, not in circumstances.  I spent so much of my life depending on others and not even realizing it.  Because I have spent so much of the last 8 years learning what it means to have an authentic relationship with Jesus, I see clearly how much I depended on others rather than Jesus.  It is an easy cycle to get caught up into.  There is a desire in all of us to be valued and loved.  But when we depend on people first to fill that hole in our lives is when we get in trouble.  

“Depending only on Me may feel like walking on a tightrope, but there is a safety net underneath: the everlasting arms.  So don’t be afraid of falling.”  How many times have I been afraid to take the first step?   In the movie, “Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade,” there was a scene when Indiana comes to a big chasm.  There was not a way that was visible for him to cross.  “Indiana is faced with the impossible. All he sees is the sheer cliff edge and the vast gulf beneath him. Then, as he studies his guidebook, his face relaxes in realization, and he says, "It's a leap of faith.  With his father whispering, "You must believe, boy, you must believe," Indiana looks straight ahead, gathers his courage, and slowly raises one foot into the empty air in front of him. With a thud, his foot lands on solid ground. The camera pans to show Indiana standing on a narrow rock bridge, deceptively carved to match the exact outline of the ravine beneath it.” (Taken from “Stepping Out in Faith - Brad Bailey April 3, 2005) 

Let’s depend only on Him today.  If we would just take that first step, He will have solid ground underneath for us to step on.  We don’t need to be afraid of falling or failing.  Keep your eyes on Him and step out in faith today! 

Stepping with you, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 20 - January 20, 2015

I think if I could remember this truth each day it would make such a difference, “Approach this day with awareness of who is boss.”  He is the one who orchestrates the events in my life.  If I look back on my life, the times that I was most frustrated is when I took charge of my own life.  Working at church full-time I could deceive myself into thinking that all of my work was following the Lord’s direction.  Yet, so many times I was unaware of His Sovereign Presence and gentle nudges that I was going the wrong way. If I would have stayed in better communication with Him, I would have realized that many of the decisions I made were based on what I wanted rather than on His plans for me.  

The turning point came when God called me to Africa.  If I would have gone my way or tried to figure out what was happening, I definitely would not have stepped foot onto that British Airlines plane.  None of it made sense at that time in my life.  But I simply trusted Him and obeyed.  Look at my life now!  I am on my 18th trip to Uganda.  He does know the plans He has for us and they are good!   

Through the last 8 years, I continue to learn this lesson of staying in communication with Him, trusting Him and obeying.  When His Presence overwhelms you day to day, you will see the difference and wonder what took you so long!  

mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 19 - January 19, 2015

What a picture,  “I am like a supersaturated cloud, showering Peace into the pool of your mind.”  One of the reasons why I love rain so much is because it is like God is pouring out showers of blessings!   You will find me running outside and standing with arms open wide whenever the rain is coming down!  To have that picture in my mind and transfer it to showers of Peace flooding my mind is overwhelming!  Unlike droughts we experience in Southern California, God’s supersaturated clouds of Peace are in constant supply on a daily basis!! 

January tends to be a “dry” month in Uganda.  This last trip it had not rained for a whole month.  They said that it had been too hot and it was impossible to rain now.  One night I woke up in the middle of the night to the glorious sound of pouring down rain!  It was so refreshing and just filled my soul with joy!   This is how we can live each moment of each day.  Even those days when we think we are in an impossible situation,  like the rainclouds that hovered over us that night, God is always here ready to shower us with His peace! 

Let it Rain!
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 18 - January 18, 2015

Thank you for praying with me as I traveled to Uganda!   I just returned home last night.   Sorry I was not able to post on our Jesus Calling page.  So here they are to catch up!

The past 8 years I definitely have learned this lesson!  I experienced some of the most heartbreaking valleys.  The only way that I could continue on my journey was by trusting Him to direct my path.  I had a huge disruption in my routine.  Everything that I had known for 13 years came to an abrupt halt.  It came to the point that I had to ask myself, “Now what?”

“Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings that far outweigh them all.  Walk hand in hand with Me through this day.  I have lovingly planned each inch of this day.”  I now thank the Lord for those difficult days.  It taught me how to put my full faith and trust in the Lord only.  I remember that day well.  In the midst of the chaos the only place I had to turn was God.  When I cried out to Him, the peace that passes all understanding flooded my soul...and has never left!

I continue to have opportunities to apply this lesson in my life.  This week I missed my flight home from Uganda.  I was in shock that I missed checking in by only 10 minutes.  It cost an additional $600 to pay the penalty for missing the flight. I was suppose to be in Maryland to spend 4 days with Carol John & family before heading back to California. I could have stayed focused on things I could nothing about.  It would have just depressed me.   I was stuck until maybe Monday!   Instead, I realized that God was not finished with me yet on this trip.  There is a reason that He was preventing me from boarding this plane.  I actually became excited to see what God was going to do as I trusted Him through this trial.  I ended up being blessed beyond measure!  I especially was able to spend time finished interviews with each of our children!  These were at the core of what I needed to do.  Even getting to Washington DC became a lesson in trusting God.  I got the word early Sunday morning that they wanted me to try to fly standby that morning instead of waiting until Monday.  I am glad that I trusted Him through this process.  Turned out that a huge snow storm hit the east coast.  If I would have waited until Monday, I may not have made it to Maryland at all.  Instead, I was blessed with 2 days with Carol instead of 1!  

I truly have learned how to “breathe deep draughts of His Presence and hold tightly to His hand!”  There is no better way to live than staying close to Him!

True Peace,
mama eydie

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 17 - January 17, 2015

Last year at CBU I ran into one of the professors who is also the parent of one of my former team members.   He said that things were going extremely well.  Something he shared that he started last year was listing three things that he is thankful for each day.  He said that it has transformed his life by doing this.  I could sense that something was different about him.  This is what I believe the devotion today is talking about.  When we “come to Him with a thankful heart, we will enjoy His Presence.”  This is definitely what I saw in my friend was an overwhelming sense of the Presence of Christ.  What a concept, “rejoice today and refuse to worry about tomorrow.”  If we can be in constant communication with Him by praising and thanking Him, we can “live above our circumstances even while we are in the midst of them.”  

I already shared yesterday about my passport issue.  I could have rehearsed over and over in my mind what to do if the passport would not have been ready before 2 pm.  I would have given myself over to worry & stress.  I would have fretted over something that ended up not happening!  God would have given me the ability to do what was needed if the passport would not have been ready by 2 pm.  But take it as it comes.  God always gives us what we need when we need it.  

What are you thankful for today?  What are you praising God for? 

I am thankful that I am in Uganda! I am thankful for all the prayers that have been answered with “The Ugandan Dream.”   I am very thankful for the day that the Lord brought each one of you in my life! 
Love you!
mama eydie 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 16 - January 16, 2015

“Rehearsing your troubles results in experiencing them many times, whereas you are meant to go through them only when they occur.”  Wow.  That is so true.  How many times do we worry over and over about something because we rehearse in our minds how we are going to handle that difficulty?  Instead, why don’t we just trust God that He has it all worked out?  

A good example is when Kiana left for school.  I knew that the day she left would be difficult and I was trying to “think my way through it.”  The more I thought about that day, the more butterflies I had in my stomach.  I started to think too much about what life would be like at home without Kiana there on a daily basis.  Yet CBU did such a great job during orientation, that I began to experience His peace.  The turning point came when I went to Sandals Church that weekend.  During the evening service, He gently reminded me that Kiana was in His care and I had nothing to worry about.  When I relaxed in His Peace, my fear did turn into confident trust.  I am learning to trust Him with my life, day by day.  He really does have everything under control.  It always turns out better than I ever expect!  

A more current example is something that just happened.  I am currently writing from Dubai on an overnight stopover on my way to Uganda.  It is a miracle that I am here.  I discovered last week that I had a problem with my passport.  It was to expire in 5 months.  Yet, Uganda requires that your passport be within 6 months of expiration.  I called the Passport Agency on Friday to get an appointment for a one day expedited service.  Earliest appointment I could get was Tuesday!  But when I got there, the agent would not issue a one day passport.  They were ademate positive the earliest it would be ready would be Wednesday at 2 pm!  My flight .... 3:35 pm on Wednesday!  We began praying that it would be done earlier.  In human terms, it was next to impossible that I would have it in time to travel.  But I remained pretty calm through the process.  I knew that I needed to be on that plane.  God knew that as well.  There was nothing I could do but trust that God would provide.  And He did!  I went at 11:15 am on the way to the airport and the passport was waiting for me!  Praise the Lord!  

Let’s relax & trust in His plans today! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 15 - January 15, 2015

I am reminded of the story in Matthew 14:22-36 of Jesus walking on the water.  But what is really miraculous is PETER walking on water.  Kristen White shared this familiar story during one of our ISP trainings.  She asked us, “What would the caption read if you were telling the story?”   My title would be, “Man Walks on Water!”  We focus so many times on the miracle of Jesus walking on water.  But the real miracle is that a regular man, Peter, walked on water when He kept his eyes on Jesus.  But as soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on his circumstances, He sank.  How many times when we are walking through storms and difficulties do we focus on the problems.  We find ourselves “sinking under the weight of our burdens.”  

I love the answer in the devotion, “When you start to sink, simply call out ‘Help me, Jesus! ‘“ and He will lift you up!  We need to “Fix our eyes on Him, the One who never changes.”  No matter how difficult the circumstance, if we keep our focus on Him we won’t find ourselves sinking like Peter.  Think about the waves that start to build up in the ocean.  From a distance they can be huge and intimidating.  Yet by time the waves reach the shore, they have shrunk to a peaceful calm ripple.  From a distance problems can build up and look like they can come crashing down on us.  Yet if we fix our eyes on Him, those same problems they will have “shrunk in proportions to His design!”  

Along the same train of thought, Pastor Cliff would say to, “Glance at your circumstances but keep your GAZE on Jesus.”   Instead of becoming buried by waves of burdens, we can be flooded with waves of mercy & peace! 

Keep Your Eyes on Him! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 14 - January 14, 2015

“It is easy to touch up your outward appearance, to look as if you have it all together.  Your attempts to look good can fool most people.  But I see straight through you, into the depths of your being...Rejoice in the relief of being fully understood.”  There was a time in my life that I didn’t realize not only was I fooling others, but I was fooling myself.  I thought I had my life all together...then God sent me to Africa.  He used the children’s authentic faith in Jesus Christ to show me what it means to be alive in Christ.  When I was able to let go and be vulnerable in my weakness, that is when I became stronger in my identity in Him.  

So many times we are afraid to admit where we are weak.  Especially when we are in leadership or have been a believer for a long time.   I can’t explain the sense of grace & peace that washed over me when I was transparent enough to admit that I didn’t have it all together.  I could almost hear God saying, “Finally!” 

It has been “little by little over the past 8 years that my weaknesses have turned to strengths.”   What has made the difference is recognizing the need to spend quality time with Him daily.  “Remember that your relationship with Him is saturated in grace.”   

What do you need to empty out of your life that is taking up precious space?  Do not be afraid or ashamed of the emptiness.  God has His Grace & Peace just waiting to pour into you.  But first you need to be an empty vessel so there is room for Him to fill!  Don’t wait any longer.  You will experience such a sense of relief & joy that can only be explained by a life fully turned over to Him! 

Full of Peace!
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 13 - January 13, 2015

Those of you who have traveled with me to Uganda or London on ISP or Raining Hope Service Projects have all heard me say, “Trust me.  You may not always know the plan for the day.  Even if you did, plans change on us all the time.  For those that are A type personalities, you need to let go of that while we are traveling.  Go with the flow.  Relax.  Trust God.”  What happened when you let go?  What happened when you didn’t? 

This can be a difficult lesson to learn when traveling to another country.   We can’t go to another country as an American and expect that our way is the best.  Once we can learn to let go and trust God, the adventures come alive!  It is so exciting!  His plans and His results were way better than mine!  I think each one of you on ISP or RHSP journeys can give testimony to the lessons learned from these lessons.

Any one of our ISP journeys are an adventure.  Our Office of Mobilization does an excellent job planning and preparing the participants.  The first year I was involved with ISP I totally was a sponge trying to soak up as much information as I could.  Do we trust God this way with our daily adventures?  Or do we take more of the control and try to “program it according to our will?” It would not have been smart of me to walk into my first year leading a team thinking that I knew better than Kristen White!  I leaned in and listened so that I could be the best leader possible.  How many times do we do anything in our lives thinking that we know more than the person that God has placed in authority over us?  “Be willing to follow Him wherever He leads.”  Ultimately, the times I asked you to trust me, I was following Him.  “A life lived close to Me will never be dull or predictable.  Expect each day to contain surprises!”  Amen!  Let’s continue this great adventure together!  

Let Go.  Be Still.  Listen.  Obey.

Traveling with you, 
mama eydie 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 12 - January 12, 2015

When I think of road maps, I think of my trusty GPS.  I love that the newer GPS devices come equipped with “LIfetime” traffic and “Lifetime” maps.  I can continually update my GPS with the most current maps.  The best feature for me living in Southern California is the traffic feature.  With as much as I travel to Riverside, this has become a very valuable tool.  

For the past 11 years I have been driving to CBU.  I would easily be confused with all of the freeways and connections.  I basically had one route that I would always follow.  That is the one that I learned when I made the first trip.  For those that live in the Southern California area, you will understand when I say I would go the 101 to the 5 to the 91.  Who knew that this was actually one of the longer ways around...and the one with the most traffic?!   

It was not until I got a new GPS with traffic that I broke out of the mold!   The first time the GPS said, 101 to the 134 to the 210 to the 57 to the 71 to the 60 to Van Buren...I thought it was crazy!!!  Yet I decided to trust the GPS and it turned out to be shorter!!   When there is traffic, the GPS knows and will re-route me to another freeway to avoid it.  All these years I would travel only one way...the way that I knew.  Carol even called it the “The Eydie Route.” 

Since then I have learned to trust the GPS.  Sometimes I am not sure where it is taking me, but I follow.  Can we trust God like we trust our GPS?   “He knows exactly what this day will contain.”  His “living Presence is my Companion each step of the way.”  God is the ultimate GPS device!  There are times that the battery runs down on the GPS and just before I arrive at a destination, it has shut down.  I am lost at that point not sure what to do until I can get the GPS working again.  God is our constant companion who we can fully rely on.  He never shuts down.  He is the author of our “Lifetime Maps” and knows the “Lifetime Traffic & Obstacles” along the way that can trip us up.  Trust Him today by spending quality time with Him.  That is the only way we will be able to hear him over the noise and traffic in our lives!  “His abiding Presence is the best road map available! 

Following Him, 
mama eydie!

P.S.  Our daughter, Kiana turns 21 today!  Happy Birthday, Kiana! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 11 - January 11, 2015

I learned this same lesson long ago when talking with a dear friend, Pastor Joe.   When we pray, we talk with God and lay out our concerns.  Then we need to have faith that He has answered.  Instead of continuing to ask the same thing, continue to “thank Him for the answers that are on the way.”  This has made a tremendous difference in my life.   When I put into practice thanking Him, I am trusting Him and having complete faith in the timing of His answer.  “Thankful prayers will keep your focus on His Presence and His promises.”  

A good example of this is how we run our ministry with Raining Hope.  We truly trust the Lord will provide what we need for the children.  Even when we are low on funds, we trust that the Lord will take care of the children.  There have been times when we have no idea where the money will come from.   We are committed to not telling any “feel guilty” stories.  We have had our share of difficulties!  We have had times that there has been no food.  Yet, we always trust that the Lord will provide.   I have lived through those difficult moments with a sense of overwhelming peace because of the lesson I learned long ago from my dear friend. 

The lesson of, “Let go, and recognize that I am God” has become what has made the biggest impact in my life the last 3 months.  As I have truly LET GO, the UGANDAN DREAM has just exploded!  We have many stories that can only been explained by the miraculous!  “Trusting Him by relinquishing control into His hands” is truly life changing.  Sarah Young expresses that it is a “gift that He plants in our heart.” You know how excited we can get over receiving a special gift?  That is how I have felt these past few months as I have LET GO!  I feel like I have opened up a gift that keeps on giving!!!!    

One of my favorite verses that I rest in...
“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;  I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”  Psalm 46:10 

Let Go.  Be Still.  Listen.  Obey. 

Trust Him Today! 
mama eydie!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 10 - January 10, 2015

Over the past 7 years I have spent more time in “practicing trusting Him during quiet days, when nothing much seems to be happening.”  I do this by spending more time in His Word and building my relationship with Him.  If it were not for this truth, I would not have weathered through some of the storms I have encountered with very much grace.  

An example of this is when my friend, Carol moved to Maryland last year.  We first moved her mother to Maryland in mid October 2013.  When we returned, we began the process of preparing to move Carol in December 2013.  The 7 weeks that I lived with Carol took a lot of effort and teamwork for all families involved.  It would have been much more difficult if I had not spent the previous 6 years first deepening my relationship with Jesus.  There is a peace that overwhelms you when you put your faith and trust in Him.  He truly blessed us and helped us accomplish a very complicated and emotional task.  I am forever thankful that I had the opportunity to come alongside my dear friend.  I am even more thankful for the lessons I learned during this time of sacrifice and service.   Knowing that Carol was being obedient to what the Lord was calling her and her family to do, gave me such peace.  It strengthened our friendship during the reality that she was moving to the East Coast.  If it were not for the coins that we put in our treasuries, we would have come up empty!  Thank goodness that our trust balance is still pretty full, even after we seemed to use a lot of it to make it through!  When you invest into His is a never ending supply, no matter how much you withdraw!   

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:20-21

Love you! 
Mama Eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 9 - January 9, 2015

Luke 1:37 is one of my favorites, “For nothing is impossible with God.”  I have clung to this verse when I have been told that what I am doing is an impossible task.  I have leaned into this verse when the opposition seems to be too much.  I have depended on this promise when all hope seems to be lost.   Another verse that pairs together with this promise is Philippians 4:13, “For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”   “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?  If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”  Romans 8:31  

What God starts, He finishes.  I live with the peace of trusting in His Word and in His timing not mine.  The Ugandan Dream is a perfect example.  “One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events.”  I have been in Uganda now for 8 years. We have had many victories and many discouragements.  This has been one of the most challenging years for me.  Yet, when I let go of all control, it gave room for God to do it His way!    I can’t even explain all that has happened in the last couple of months.  Things have just exploded in ways that can only be explained by the miraculous!!!  His ways are always better!  We still are working hard towards reaching our goals...but we are enjoying the peace that passes all understanding as we, “Slow down, and enjoy the journey in His Presence.”  I truly am living this out now and I am loving it! 

We have heard the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”  As Sarah Young points out, ENJOY the journey in HIS PRESENCE!  What a truth to cling to!  

Love you! 
Mama Eydie

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 8 - January 8, 2015


I love the phrase, “The weaker you are, the more gently I approach you.  Let your weakness be a door to My Presence.”  How welcoming and reassuring.  Sometimes in our society today we can press people harder when they are weak.  As I was writing this, I was in a hotel room and I heard a group outside. As I looked out the window, there seemed to be a military group, running in formation and yelling words as part of some sort of drill.  We have all watched (or experienced) TV shows where a drill sergeant tries to “help” a cadet through a drill by yelling at them more.  That happens in life as well.  I have experienced times in my life when I am at my lowest, the support I need is not there.  

Yet, the words of this devotion today are so comforting.  “The weaker I am, the more gently He approaches me.”  Hallelujah!  What a kind Savior we serve.  “Hope is a golden cord connecting me to heaven.  The more I cling to the cord, the more He bears the weight of my burdens.”  What a picture of hope.  I picture the game of tug-a-war.  Sometimes I feel like I am tugging the rope all by myself.  But we are meant to live in relationship with others.  We do better when we have a team all tugging the rope together.  The chances of us winning depend on the strength of the team.  We have also seen times in tug-a-war when one side has that “one” strong individual that just comes along, pulls and wins the game for your team!  We have that “One.”  We have Jesus on our side.  Amen!

STANDING and PULLING together! 
Mama Eydie!