Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 43 - February 12, 2014

Psalm 37:4 is a favorite verse of mine.  Because of today’s devotion, I have seen this verse in a new way.  I have learned that the first part of the verse is so important.  In order for Him to give us the desires of our heart, we first need to delight ourselves in Him.  Spending time in the Word & in prayer are important ways to delight in Him.  But I hadn’t seen what Sarah Young pointed out, “let Him become the Desire of your heart.”  That is so true!   Especially when I put that together with the first part of the devotion, “People think that thoughts are fleeting and worthless, but yours are precious to Me.”  I read that too fast and thought it said “people think that YOUR thoughts are fleeting and worthless...”  Even though I misread this, it hit too close to home.  I have been extremely hurt by people who unknowingly distracted by their own stuff, are not really listening to me.    When it happens at the wrong time, I have come to believe that my words must be worthless.   

American life moves faster than ever.  That contributes to our inability to slow down and just enjoy a simple conversation.  Even the social media use of Twitter feeds into this type of lifestyle.  With Twitter you are only allowed 140 characters to get your message across in a “tweet.”   The one I really don’t like is Snap Chat.  You snap a photo and send it, but the receiver only has 10 seconds to view the photo.  It then disappears to never be seen again!  Sometimes we behave like we are a live Twitter feed.  I can tell when I am talking to someone and over their head is a little cartoon bubble, “Her 140 characters have run out!”  

I am thankful for the reminder today that God loves me and listens with a smile on His heart.  “His Spirit, who lives within me, helps me to think His thoughts.”  God always makes time for me.  As His thoughts become my thoughts, the less I am hurt by the words or actions of others.  I begin to see others through His eyes.  I began to understand with His heart.  The key...He is becoming the only desire of my heart.  

Delighting in Him,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 42 - February 11, 2014

“My peace is like a golden Light shining on you continuously.”   One time in our Bible study group we wanted to show the powerful impact of just one candle.  We turned off all of the lights in the room.  It was pitch black!  We then lit just one candle.  It was AMAZING how the one candle just lit up the whole room!   That is what I was reminded of when Sarah Young said, “On darker days, My Peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances.”  

No matter how difficult the road can be or how dark the circumstances look, know that His Peace is always with you.  His Peace is His Hope that good will come from every circumstance.   

Do not give up.  All things are possible with God.  The Winter Olympics have had some very inspiring stories behind the athletes.  Many push though even though the circumstances looked bleak.  Remember the story of gymnast, Kerri Strug in 1996 who clenched the gold medal for the U.S. Women’s Gymnastic team on a painful, ankle injury.  They have been showing that commercial a lot during the Sochi Olympics.  

If athletes can push through to win gold medals, shouldn’t we as believer’s in Christ do even more!   We have higher stakes and represent the Eternal God of all the nations!  

Let’s go for the Gold and let His Peace stand out today! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 41 - February 10, 2014

This is one of my favorite of Jesus Calling readings, probably because it is one that I related to so well.  I love the first time I read this, “Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor.”  Until six years ago, I spent so much of my time doing the total opposite.  I spent more time with others rather than give that time to Jesus.  I was having a difficult time prioritizing my life & always wanting more hours in a day.  After I began to put into practice what I knew I SHOULD be doing, “giving myself to Him in rich communion,” I WAS able to accomplish more in less time.  It is so true that once you learn something so valuable, it is hard to go back!  

I truly was always on the go. This statement is powerful for us all, “Many, many things people do in My Name have no value in My kingdom.”  Wow.  Once I began to realize this truth, I was sorry that I spent so much of my life on the wrong path.  

This also struck me as I heard this sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley yesterday,  “A Call for Courage.”  I was struck by this statement, “Pride will destroy you.  If you want God to stop His blessing in your life, just start taking credit.  When you start taking credit it demeans the glory of God and God is not gonna give you his power not His strength, nor His assistance when you are taking credit.  We have to walk humbly before Almighty God, trusting Him every day for whatever He wants to do in our lives and recognizing it is His life and His message that we preach and it is His work that is being done in and through your life."

Powerful statement to help us evaluate our lives.  I have seasons that are busier than most.   But I would not be able walk through those times without putting Jesus first.  Time spent with Him will direct me as to what things to do and not do.  He gives me the energy to accomplish His tasks.  Most important of all, He receives the glory for it all. 

“To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me.” 

mama eydie!