Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 20 - January 20, 2015

I think if I could remember this truth each day it would make such a difference, “Approach this day with awareness of who is boss.”  He is the one who orchestrates the events in my life.  If I look back on my life, the times that I was most frustrated is when I took charge of my own life.  Working at church full-time I could deceive myself into thinking that all of my work was following the Lord’s direction.  Yet, so many times I was unaware of His Sovereign Presence and gentle nudges that I was going the wrong way. If I would have stayed in better communication with Him, I would have realized that many of the decisions I made were based on what I wanted rather than on His plans for me.  

The turning point came when God called me to Africa.  If I would have gone my way or tried to figure out what was happening, I definitely would not have stepped foot onto that British Airlines plane.  None of it made sense at that time in my life.  But I simply trusted Him and obeyed.  Look at my life now!  I am on my 18th trip to Uganda.  He does know the plans He has for us and they are good!   

Through the last 8 years, I continue to learn this lesson of staying in communication with Him, trusting Him and obeying.  When His Presence overwhelms you day to day, you will see the difference and wonder what took you so long!  

mama eydie 

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