“Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.” Powerful statement that is simple and true. I wish that I would have learned this lesson a lot earlier in life. I see the times when this statement has come to life. When I stop striving to control a situation and seek His direction, everything truly does fall right into place. Most of the time, the outcome is way better than what I was working towards!
When Carol told me that she was moving to Maryland, the shock was more than I could comprehend. Yet, because I knew she was following the Lord’s plan for her life, I knew it was also part of the plan He had for my life. We truly have walked by faith in this process. We didn’t know how we were going to logistically move her mom to Maryland who no longer can walk. God knew and He worked it out better than the plans we had. Every aspect of moving Carol was filled with a lot of “how do we do pull this off?” Who knew? God did! We experienced so many God moments in conjunction with this move of faith. It is turning out so much better than we could have anticipated or planned. I love Washington DC & Maryland! Now, I have a best friend who I regularly get to visit because she said yes to God! God knows the desires of our hearts. He just asks us to seek Him first each day. His ways are so much better than anything we could plan.
Who knows? God does! Every piece of our life, He knows where the pieces fit together. Let His hand be the one that puts it all together for His glory!
mama eydie
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