Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 66 - March 7, 2015

Day 66 - March 7, 2015 - Jesus Calling
The days that I don’t rely on the Lord to help me are the days that are filled with frustrations.  We are not meant to do life solo.  A good example of this is my last year visiting Carol in Maryland.  Carol & I talked regularly about this being a team effort.  I remember the first time that I went to stay with Carol while her sister and niece came to California.  Carol can not stay alone so they brought me there to be with Carol, take care of the four dogs and the house.   The day I arrived, Carol’s sister, Diane had two lists typed out for me to help me remember what I needed to do.  I loved it!  The 4 small dogs all require specific things...especially when it came to meal time!  I arrived the day before they left so I could shadow Diane to learn what I needed to do.  You can be assured that I followed the list EXACTLY!  They were able to travel to the west coast because they knew their family on the east coast was left in good hands!  The puppies were extremely grateful that I followed the instructions!  

If I would have tried to go about it alone, or worse yet, tossed aside the instructions thinking I knew better than would have been a disaster!  In the same manner, God leaves an instruction manuel for us.  Daily He wants to show us how to depend on Him to walk through everything that we are faced with.  Believe works best when we follow the One who gives us THE instructions!  

The cool thing was the next time I went to Maryland, Diane left me another note... “You’ve got this!”   It warmed my heart that I had followed the instructions so well the first time...they trusted me to do it right from that point on!  I travel regularly now to Maryland and it all has become second nature to me.  I believe it is the same with instructions from God.  His Word tells us what we should do.  Wouldn’t it be great if we hear those same words from God, “You’ve Got This,”  ... especially with those things we have struggled for years to overcome!  

You’ve got this! 
mama eydie ! 

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