Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 56 - February 25, 2015

I must admit that I spent so much of my Christian life waking up and bolting into the day.  When I picture the way that racehorses bolt out of the gate, that truly was the way I started my day.  I found myself stressed and focused on the tasks that seemed to be never ending. Then everything came to an abrupt halt.  But my life was so out of control it took something drastic for the Lord to finally get my attention.   

At first I didn’t know what to do.  But because I found myself suddenly with free time in the morning after quitting my job, I began to spend it taking prayer walks.  Those quiet times alone with the Lord became more and more precious.  I began to understand the difference in “bolting out the door” on my own, rather than walking out with Jesus at my side.  I am very protective of my mornings alone with the Lord.   I find even now the days that I am more on edge are the days I rush out without having the time alone with Him.  

I definitely have times when my schedule is fulll.  During these seasons is when I hear people still say, “You are too busy.”  For example, there was a two week period last year that consisted of Carol visiting for a week, Kiana in a play at CBU for 2 weekends, my fieldworkers from London visiting, a mission’s conference, and meeting with team members for the July trip to Uganda.  Full schedule, yes. Busy - no.  Because I protect my time alone with the Lord, consulting Him to direct my days, I don’t have that frazzled, busy, frantic feeling within.  

Instead of bolting out of the gate, I spend time with Him first...and I still win the race. It allows me to “fix my eyes on Him and run with endurance the race that is set before me, without stumbling or falling.”  Hebrews 12:1-2.  I find myself with the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  True peace comes when you rest in Him alone!  You will win every time walking with Jesus at your side! 

Fixing my eyes on Him! 
mama eydie! 

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