Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 57 - February 26, 2015

Have you ever been talking to someone about a movie that you have not seen yet, but the other person has?  In their excitement they end up telling you how the movie ends!  I have been the victim of others saying for example, “I was so sad that the ship sank!”  It takes away the anticipation of watching the movie when you already know the outcome.   I love watching a movie and not knowing what it going to happen.  I love to watch it unfold.  

When Sarah Young wrote, “Your future looks uncertain and feels flimsy - even precarious,”  I think of the movie, “Titanic.”  At one point, Rose’s mother tells her their situation is precarious because all of the money is gone.  Rose’s mother is trying to control & lead Rose down a path that she doesn’t want to go.  She truly is making a mess out of things.  

God is asking us to trust Him daily.  He knows our story.  He will lead us, step by step if we would just take His hand and trust Him.  Just like watching a movie unfold, I love to watch in wonder and see the story of my life unfold. I know it already has a happy ending.  As believers, if our lives bring glory to Him, with Jesus as our Leading man, it will be the greatest story ever told!  

We have an Oscar winning story!
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 56 - February 25, 2015

I must admit that I spent so much of my Christian life waking up and bolting into the day.  When I picture the way that racehorses bolt out of the gate, that truly was the way I started my day.  I found myself stressed and focused on the tasks that seemed to be never ending. Then everything came to an abrupt halt.  But my life was so out of control it took something drastic for the Lord to finally get my attention.   

At first I didn’t know what to do.  But because I found myself suddenly with free time in the morning after quitting my job, I began to spend it taking prayer walks.  Those quiet times alone with the Lord became more and more precious.  I began to understand the difference in “bolting out the door” on my own, rather than walking out with Jesus at my side.  I am very protective of my mornings alone with the Lord.   I find even now the days that I am more on edge are the days I rush out without having the time alone with Him.  

I definitely have times when my schedule is fulll.  During these seasons is when I hear people still say, “You are too busy.”  For example, there was a two week period last year that consisted of Carol visiting for a week, Kiana in a play at CBU for 2 weekends, my fieldworkers from London visiting, a mission’s conference, and meeting with team members for the July trip to Uganda.  Full schedule, yes. Busy - no.  Because I protect my time alone with the Lord, consulting Him to direct my days, I don’t have that frazzled, busy, frantic feeling within.  

Instead of bolting out of the gate, I spend time with Him first...and I still win the race. It allows me to “fix my eyes on Him and run with endurance the race that is set before me, without stumbling or falling.”  Hebrews 12:1-2.  I find myself with the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  True peace comes when you rest in Him alone!  You will win every time walking with Jesus at your side! 

Fixing my eyes on Him! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 55 - February 24, 2015

From the Life Application Study in reference to Ephesians 3:17-19  “God’s love is total, says Paul.  It reaches ever corner of our experience.  It is wide - it covers the breadth of our own experience, and it reaches out to the whole world.  God’s love is long - it continues the length of our lives.  It is high - it rises to the heights of our celebration and elation.  His love is deep - it reaches to the depths of discouragement, despair, and even death.  When you feel shut out or isolated, remember that you can never be lost to God’s love.  For another prayer about God’s immeasurable and inexhaustible love, see Paul’s words in Romans 8:38-39.

I am so thankful that God’s love is total.  How overwhelming a thought this is.  I need to truly acknowledge His Loving Presence throughout my day and know this is all I need to carry me through!  

His Love is Limitless! 
Mama Eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 54 - February 23, 2015

I get nervous if I am standing near a cliff and there are no guard rails. It scares me to think of getting close and falling over the edge.  I looked up a website called and they had a story on the reasons people get hurt in Yosemite National Park.  The first reason is the one that I thought of when Sarah Young talked about “not going near the edge of the pit.”  
“The first reason people get hurt is when they do not pay attention to the warning signs. These signs are all around the park and one must read and obey the posts to stay safe. The signs say important things about the area that person is in. For example, a sign in Yosemite near a waterfall says “Climbing or scrambling on rocks and cliffs is Dangerous. They are slick wet or dry. Many injuries and Fatalities have occurred.” These signs are there for the purpose of keeping people safe. These warning signs can be found in places that people have previously gotten hurt. A warning sign must at all times be followed to keep one safe.”

The pit of self-pity is a dangerous one.  We all have difficulties we face in life.  But when we resort to the “feel sorry for me” attitude or “no one really understands what I am going through” trap, we will find ourselves falling over a cliff of despair.   Instead, don’t go near that cliff.  Instead of focusing on circumstances, praise the Lord and have more of a thankful attitude.  Warning signs in our spiritual lives are there to help keep us safe.  Sometimes those signs come from friends that have already gotten hurt & learned the lesson the hard way.  Just like warning signs at Yosemite...if we go ahead and ignore the warning signs from friends because we think we know better, we may just find ourselves “falling over the cliff” and we’ll say, “I should have heeded the warning signs.”  

Even in the midst of difficult circumstances, you don’t have to live in the land of self-pity. Keep your distance from the cliff of feeling sorry for yourself.   Stop making excuses by ignoring the warning signs.  Thank the Lord and Praise Him continually throughout the day!   Psalm 89:15-16 is a good one to memorize...and to obey! 

Staying away from the edge, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 53 - February 22, 2015

 “Your neediness, properly handled, is a link to My Presence.  However, there are pitfalls that you must be on guard against: self-pity, self-preoccupation, giving up.”  I realized that when I depend on people to fill the gap of my neediness, that is when I experience so much despair.   People will let us down, but Jesus never will.   It was a person who told me that the work I do in Africa is impossible.  It is Jesus that says, “Nothing is impossible with Me.” 

Another example is when I am talking with someone and they are not really listening to me.   It is like in Peanuts when they are in school and the teacher is talking.  All you hear is, “blah, blah, blah, blah blah...or wah, wah, wah, wah.”  Has that happened to you?  When I worked at the church I always had so much work.  I used to call it the “revolving door syndrome!”  No sooner did one person leave, another would walk in.  I had a hard time accomplishing all the desk work that kept piling up.  It really makes me sad that I ever gave the impression that I was too busy to listen to others.  Especially because I know what it is like now to be on the other end.  Can’t we always tell when someone is too busy to listen?  My feelings get hurt and I think that what I have to say must be worthless.  Again, this is a result of depending on people to fill my gap of neediness.  

Because Kiana is in school, I yearn for the times that I hear her voice over the phone.  Whenever she calls, I want to give her my full attention.  No matter what else is going on, I am ready to listen.  Those moments are some of the most precious times in my life.  

This is how our Heavenly Father waits for us.  I believe that He yearns for us to talk to Him as we yearn for our children to talk to us.  He is always ready to listen to us.  He will never be too busy or distracted to talk.  

“God’s there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it.”  Psalm 145:18 (The Message). 

Learning to depend on Jesus not man...
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 52 - February 21, 2015

Reading this I can’t help but think of my ISP journeys when I have asked students to trust me. If you look back on Day 44 (February 14th) it has more of my thoughts on this.  But I think about how every time I lead a team overseas with ISP or Raining Hope, I have to start all over again asking a team to simply, “trust me.”  I watch how everyone varies in how they deal with this issue of trust.  I have often wondered if team members truly understand what team leaders, especially with the ISP program, go through to lead.  I know for me as a team leader, I always have my teammates best interests in mind when I ask them to trust and follow. For ISP training, we have participants take the   Myers-Briggs personality test.  For the past 2 years I have sat in the debriefing of what personality types can effect the dynamics of a team. It is a good reminder of how we are all wired differently so we all respond differently. 

Think about God.  In a team context, think about Him as our “team leader.   All He is asking is for us to Trust Him in this journey of life.  Think about how many of us there are!  Wow!  That is a team!  Think about how frustrated He says, “Trust Me,” and by our actions we say, “I know better.”  Oh brother! I am guilty of that for sure!   I am challenging myself to trust Him like I ask you to trust me when I lead.  He is a way better team leader!!  And He is leading us on a much longer journey!   

“Trust protects you from worrying and obsessing.  Thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining: those ‘sister sins’ that so easily entangle you.” 

Let’s all trust Him today as our Team Leader!  Our Heavenly Father does know best! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 51 - February 20, 2015

What has made the difference in the last 8 years is that I truly have learned to live from the true Center in Him.  I love how Sarah Young put it, “There is a gold mine of Peace deep within you, waiting to be tapped.  It was a hard road getting there.  I thought that my peace came from “the world around me, in circumstances, or in human relationships.”  I didn’t realize how much I was depending on my job and the work I was doing to define who I was.  No wonder I was living in such a state of stress!  

Going to Uganda in 2006/2007 was the start of my “treasure hunt” for this gold mine of Peace.  God used that journey there to help me realize that I was making my “center” religion rather than relationship.   It is so deep within that He sent me half way around the world to quiet me to hear.  If you find yourself in the same place of being too busy, you don’t have to go all the way to Africa to figure it out!  Just find a quiet place and spend time with Him.  He will help you to tap into this treasure of wealth!!   Believe me, it is a treasure worth uncovering! 

Still seeking His treasures, 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 50 - February 19, 2015

How often have I felt the weight of my problems all piling on top of me?  I can envision a movie scene where people are all arguing and someone climbs out from under the group to escape all of the fighting.  Can’t we all picture ourselves in that kind of situation? How many times are we looking for that escape route?   Sometimes it is not problems but our schedules that are much too busy.  I have lived a good portion of my life allowing the demands of my life to control my emotions.  When I am in the midst of the busyness is when I normally forget to do what this devotion suggests...”When the difficulties in your life feel as if they’re closing in on you, break free by spending quality time with Me.”  So many times I get caught in the busy cycle that it doesn’t make sense to stop.  I keep pushing through thinking that I don’t have enough time in day to get everything done.  Yet, I am learning that when I do stop and breathe a prayer or spend time in worship, He bends that time and I miraculously do get everything done!  The more I do it, then it will become my go to reaction rather than react to the busyness. 

I love the verse in Habakkuk 3:19 “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to go on the heights.”  I am reading “Hinds Feet on High Places,” by Hannah Hurnard.  The description of the book is this, “In a world characterized by noise and busyness, this beautifully written allegory invites you to lift up your eyes and fix your gaze upon the Beautiful One who dwells in the high places - above everything else in this life that competes for your attention.”  I highly recommend it as we continue to journey together in this busy American lifestyle.   

Let’s embrace the journey!  

Experiencing His Peace,
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 49 - February 18, 2015

“Sometimes you may feel you are in a free fall, when people or things you had counted on let you down.”  The past couple of posts all seem to be linked together.  I can’t adequately describe what I went through when I had to step away from my job at the church. This picture of feeling like I am in a free fall when people I had counted on  & claim to be like family abandoned me, gave me only a glimpse into the hurt I truly felt. 

One of the reasons why bungee jumping or skydiving is not on my bucket list, is because it terrifies me to think about the danger of free falling like that.  Yet, as scary as those two sports can be, I wonder if the free fall I experienced from being let down and abandoned was worse.  It feels like it was. 

The Lord rescued me with His safety net of His Presence, His Love, & His Hope.  But He also surrounded me with godly friends who gently cared for me.  Being so hurt by people, God used faithful, loving friends to heal that broken part of my life & soul.   

I AM WITH YOU.   Four words to carry with you always.  He will never let you fall. His net is full of hope and love.  I Corinthians 13:13

mama eydie 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 48 - February 17, 2015

“It is easy to make an idol of routine, finding security within the boundaries you build around your life.”  I had done this with my job at the church.  Yet, now I see the breaking loose of my “idol of routine” was God’s preparation to free me like a butterfly from a cocoon ( 2 Corinthians 5:17).   When God calls us to a task, He gives us all that we need to accomplish it well.  The time I spent at that job was a precious time in my life.  But now eight years later, I am beginning to understand that I was making an idol of the daily routine.  I became chained to the boundaries that I built.  If it were not for the difficulties that arose the day I quit, I would still be living in the safety of what I was building around my life.  God was gently pushing me out of a situation that I was too afraid to step out on my own strength.  

So many times we fear change.  “When you cling to old ways and sameness, you resist My work within you.”  I didn’t realize that is what I was doing.  Someone once spoke truth over me and said, “Eydie, God has big plans for your life that none of us can even begin to imagine.  But in order for God to work, you will have to step out of your job at the church.”  At the time this person said this to me, he was not even aware of any of the issues that caused me to finally quit.  I have since seen the truth in this word spoken over me.  Since leaving the security of everything that I knew to be my life at the time, I now am living in a world of amazing joy and extreme peace. 

I love at California Adventure the “World of Color” show.  It is an outdoor, 28-minute nighttime spectacular show.  It features projected film clips on an immense water screen.  It is accompanied by momentous music, fantastic fire, water fountains, fog and laser effects.  I once sat in the area where you do get wet as the water just rains over you!  I was taken aback at how spectacular the show really is.  It truly is a world of color!  This is how I see my life now.  It is a spectacular world that the Lord just wants to lavish all over us.  Yet, His show is more than 28 is a lifetime!  

Open your eyes and experience all that  “He has prepared for you in their precious day of Life!” 
mama eydie! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 47 - February 16, 2015

Those that have been a part of my life, especially in the past 20+ years, have seen me pour many hours into my job at the church.  Particularly at the end of 1996, I had so much going on that my dear friend, Carol prayed for patience for me.  Innocent enough prayer we thought of at the time.  But then in January of 1997, I got the chicken pox!  As an adult, it landed me straight in bed!  Then I passed the chicken pox onto my 3 year old daughter, Kiana!  Being contagious and ill kept us home for about 6 weeks.  Most of the time I was so weak that being still was all I could muster!  Kiana seems to be pretty normal, just covered in spots!  

Being home for that long was difficult for me.  I initially spent more of the first part of my illness worried about the work that was not getting done.  I did end up “spoiling the quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again.”   But as time marched on, I eventually realized that God was trying to teach me some sort of lesson. My first thought was we should never pray for patience!  But, the chicken pox episode did help me to wake up to the fact that I was too busy.  It wasn’t hard to forget that message as it took me over a year to fully recover.  I had no choice but to slow down. But within the 10 years that followed I found myself back in the midst of a busy life.  It wasn’t until October of 2007 that the truth of the devotion today made sense.  Not only are we to be still before Him...we are to be still and know He is God.  How do we do that?  By LISTENING.  The day I quit my job on October 16, 2007,  I had no option but to be still.  I felt cut off from the world and totally alone.  But in this quietness and stillness, it did “enhance my awareness of His Presence within me.”  I felt weaker in that moment than I did with the chicken pox.  Yet from that I have learned how much I value the quiet and the peace that He gives me when I am still before Him. 

I did not plan the stillness I experienced in the physical illness of chicken pox.  Neither did I plan the stillness of the devastation that followed my leaving my job.  Yet because of lessons learned during those times of weakness, I find myself craving that stillness each day as it is the only thing that gave me true strength.  My life is different now because I PLAN out stillness with Him instead of being forced into it through difficulties.  

In looking up a photo to add to the blog, I found this quote from John Piper about GOD hits home in the stillness.
Posted: February 24, 2011 by Pam Larson in Devotionals/Commentaries,

"Psalm 46 tells us that we all have a need to slow down and just “be still.”  We need time for quiet reflection, but oh how little we actually do just that.  John Piper, in a 1991 sermon, “God: Refuge for His People, Exalted Among the Nations” explains:
One of the reasons we invest our lives in some insignificant ways is that we never become still enough to let the great realities hit us. We are always on the move. Always in a hurry. Or when we do stop, we flip on the radio or the TV and let somebody else’s hurry fill our minds.  Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still [or cease striving, cease hurrying, be still, be quiet] and know that I am God. I am [or: will be, it’s probably a promise] exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Let's be still before Him today and watch what only He can do! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 46 - February 15, 2015

I love that the Lord has called me to work in Africa.  The last 8 years have brought joys indescribable because of the gift of being a part of lives of people in Uganda.  With anything we do, there are struggles.  We have had our share of difficulties in the midst of the joy.  Yet one of the most heartbreaking things that has happened to me in my journey to Uganda is not what you would think.  It was not because of struggles with finances.  It was not because of some of the tough decisions we had to make based on uncovering things that were endangering the integrity of Christ in our ministry.

No.  One of the hardest things that I have had to deal with was being told that what I am doing in Africa is impossible.   In explaining the challenges that we are faced with, I was told basically that what I am doing in Uganda is an impossible task.  The blow to my heart was crushing.  Can you imagine?  The very thing that God has called me to and what I have given my life over an impossible task?   Added to that, last year was one of the most difficult because I felt extremely alone.  It seemed like no one really cared.  We were faced with so many issues, yet people seemed too busy to care or to give.

But something happened in my heart that day I was told it was impossible.  GOD ministered directly to my heart.  God doesn’t give us more than we can bear.  Right away, it was as if God Himself began to counteract the words that could have caused me to give up.  If we believe the lie that what we are doing is impossible, then why even try.

“For nothing is impossible with God.”  Luke 1:37 (NIV)

Last year, when I felt alone, I cried out to God.  I LET GO & told Him I didn’t know what to do anymore.  I LET GO & LET GOD take over.  Miracles began to happen.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He will do it.”
Psalm 37:4-5 (NASB)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”   Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

His Word...not man’s Word is what gave me strength and truth.  Instead of giving up hope, I gave up dependence on man.

“Fearing people is a dangerous trap.  But to trust in the Lord means safety.”  Proverbs 29:25 (NLT)

I thought of the Christmas cartoon, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”  Remember when the Grinch is at the top of the mountain with the stolen toys and food?  He thinks he has “stolen” Christmas.  But then when he hears the town singing and realizes that Christmas may be more than “things,” something happens to his heart. “ What happened then, well in Whoville they say, that the Grinches’ small heart grew three sizes that day.  And the minute his heart didn’t feel quite so tight, he wiggled down with his load through the bright morning light.  And he brought back toys and food for the feast.  And he, he himself the Grinch carved the roast beef.”  The picture I have is when the sleigh is almost ready to go over the edge.  His heart having grown three sizes that day, gives him the strength to just lift the full sleigh right over his head!”

My heart grew three sizes the day I was told that my task to Africa is impossible.

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.”  Corrie ten Boom

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible” - Walt Disney
mama eydie

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 45 - February 14, 2015

As I read today’s devotion, my mind went to any one of my ISP journeys.  Close your eyes and imagine stepping foot onto Ugandan or London soil.  “Give yourself fully to this ISP adventure.  Trust me.  I am here to lead you through this process.  For those A type personalities, let go of the control.  For those who are nervous, trust me.  For those that are scared, don’t give into fear or worry. Trust Me enough to face problems as they come, rather than trying to anticipate them.  Trust me which ultimately means trust Him.” 

I am sure for those who traveled with me on an ISP or RH trip know these words all too well. For two to three weeks on the field, I asked you all to trust me on our adventures.  At times I know this was difficult.  But so many of you have beautiful testimonies of what God did in your lives through this process.  For ISP we spend 6 months preparing for our adventure to go overseas for 3 weeks.  Much of that is to help prepare you so you “Fix your eyes on Him, the Author & Perfecter of your faith, and many difficulties on the road ahead will vanish before you reach them.”   Think about how many of the problems or fears you had overseas would not have happened if only you would have fixed your eyes on Him.  

I am beginning to look upon life as one big ISP journey!  My teams are the strongest when we are living together for the 3 weeks overseas.  We are not distracted by everything that bombards our daily lives in America.  We focus on our relationship with God daily.  Even after returning home we try to be intentional in the discipleship process.   The good news is our ISP journey doesn’t end when we return home.  We are on this journey for life!  You have an even better Companion & Guide who you can never be separated from!  Let Him lead you today on the greatest adventure of your life!  

Keeping My Eyes Fixed on Him! 
mama eydie!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 44 - February 13, 2015

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world give.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27 

I love the picture that today is painted for us.  He died a violent, criminal’s death so that we could experience radiant peace.  He took on all of the chaos and the onslaught of all that can come on us so we could sit quietly and allow His Peace cover us.  

I found this today as it has to do with our devotion...
“In our sinful state, we are enemies with God (Romans 5:10). “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are restored to a relationship of peace with God (Romans 5:1). This is the deep, abiding peace between our hearts and our Creator that cannot be taken away (John 10:27–28) and the ultimate fulfillment of Christ’s work as “Prince of Peace.”

What I love about the picture that Sarah Young painted was that of “wearing His peace with regal dignity.”  I immediately pictured a royal robe wrapped around me.  It is a reminder of having His Peace cover me because I am the Daughter of the King.  It truly is a rare treasure yet we as His children all wear this royal robe.  

The same website stated, “Note that peaceful doesn’t mean “easy.” Jesus never promised easy; He only promised help. In fact, He told us to expect tribulation (John 16:33) and trials (James 1:2). But He also said that, if we called on Him, He would give us the “peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension” (Philippians 4:6–7). No matter what hardships we are faced with, we can ask for a peace that comes from the powerful love of God that is not dependent on our own strength or the situation around us.”

“Let His Peace settle over you and enfold you in His Loving Presence.”  

Thankful that He is the Prince of Peace! 
mama eydie! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 43 - February 12, 2015

Psalm 37:4 is a favorite verse of mine.  I have learned that the first part of the verse is so important.  In order for Him to give us the desires of our heart, we first need to delight ourselves in Him.  Spending time in the Word & in prayer are important ways to delight in Him.  But I hadn’t seen what Sarah Young pointed out, “let Him become the Desire of your heart.”  That is so true!   Especially when I put that together with the first part of the devotion, “People think that thoughts are fleeting and worthless, but yours are precious to Me.”  I read that too fast and thought it said “people think that YOUR thoughts are fleeting and worthless...”  Even though I misread this, it hit too close to home.  I have been extremely hurt by people who unknowingly distracted by their own stuff, are not really listening to me.    When it happens at the wrong time, I have come to believe that my words must be worthless.   

American life moves faster than ever.  That contributes to our inability to slow down and just enjoy a simple conversation.  Even the social media use of Twitter feeds into this type of lifestyle.  With Twitter you are only allowed 140 characters to get your message across in a “tweet.”   The one I really don’t like is Snap Chat.  You snap a photo and send it, but the receiver only has 10 seconds to view the photo.  It then disappears to never be seen again!  Sometimes we behave like we are a live Twitter feed.  I can tell when I am talking to someone and over their head is a little cartoon bubble, “Her 140 characters have run out!”  

I am thankful for the reminder today that God loves me and listens with a smile on His heart.  “His Spirit, who lives within me, helps me to think His thoughts.”  God always makes time for me.  As His thoughts become my thoughts, the less I am hurt by the words or actions of others.  I begin to see others through His eyes.  I began to understand with His heart.  The key...He is becoming the only desire of my heart.  

Delighting in Him,
mama eydie 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 42 - February 11, 2015

“My peace is like a golden Light shining on you continuously.”   One time in our Bible study group we wanted to show the powerful impact of just one candle.  We turned off all of the lights in the room.  It was pitch black!  We then lit just one candle.  It was AMAZING how the one candle just lit up the whole room!   That is what I was reminded of when Sarah Young said, “On darker days, My Peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances.”  

No matter how difficult the road can be or how dark the circumstances look, know that His Peace is always with you.  His Peace is His Hope that good will come from every circumstance.   

Do not give up.  All things are possible with God.  I loved watching the Winter Olympics in 2014 and the inspiring stories behind the athletes.  Many push though even though the circumstances looked bleak.  Remember the story of gymnast, Kerri Strug in 1996 who clenched the gold medal for the U.S. Women’s Gymnastic team on a painful, ankle injury.  They showed that commercial a lot during the Sochi Olympics.  If athletes can push through to win gold medals, shouldn’t we as believer’s in Christ do even more!   We have higher stakes and represent the Eternal God of all the nations!  

Sarah Young reminds us to , “Collaborate with Him in this training.  Do not grow weary and lose heart.”   When circumstances weigh us down and there seems to be no way out, look to him.  He gives us the strength and courage to face the enemy.  He also carries us in the palm of His hand when we are too weak to stand.  He never leaves us or forsakes us.  We have the best personal trainer available! 

Let’s go for the Gold and let His Peace stand out today! 
mama eydie! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 41 - February 10, 2015

This is one of my favorite of Jesus Calling readings, probably because it is one that I related to so well.  I love the first time I read this, “Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor.”  Until eight years ago, I spent so much of my time doing the total opposite.  I spent more time with others rather than give that time to Jesus.  I was having a difficult time prioritizing my life & always wanting more hours in a day.  After I began to put into practice what I knew I SHOULD be doing, “giving myself to Him in rich communion,” I WAS able to accomplish more in less time.  It is so true that once you learn something so valuable, it is hard to go back!  

I truly was always on the go. This statement is powerful for us all, “Many, many things people do in My Name have no value in My kingdom.”  Wow.  Once I began to realize this truth, I was sorry that I spent so much of my life on the wrong path.  

This also struck me as I heard this sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley,  “A Call for Courage.”  I was struck by this statement, “Pride will destroy you.  If you want God to stop His blessing in your life, just start taking credit.  When you start taking credit it demeans the glory of God and God is not gonna give you his power not His strength, nor His assistance when you are taking credit.  We have to walk humbly before Almighty God, trusting Him every day for whatever He wants to do in our lives and recognizing it is His life and His message that we preach and it is His work that is being done in and through your life.

Powerful statement to help us evaluate our lives.  I have seasons that are busier than most.  But I would not be able walk through those times without putting Jesus first.  Time spent with Him will direct me as to what things to do and not do.  He gives me the energy to accomplish His tasks.  Most important of all, He receives the glory for it all. 

“To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me.” 
mama eydie! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 40 - February 9, 2015

Today’s devotion is a good reminder of our treasure hunts we began when we traveled to Uganda or London.  “I rejoice in Your Word like one who discovers a great treasure” – Psalm 119:162   

We continued the hunt with the “40 Days with Jesus” to discover clues towards finding more treasures.  We now are using Jesus Calling to uncover even more!  We are discovering that each person’s treasures & journey’s are different.   The key to discovery on our ISP trips was making sure we each had a devotion time with the Lord.  How can we find treasures the Lord has for us if we don’t take the time to search?! 

Today is a reminder to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to lead you on your treasure hunt. It shouldn’t have stopped when you came home from your trip, or when we finished the 40 Days with Jesus.  Continue to dig deep.  Today’s devotion encouraged me:   “Hardships are part of the journey too.  I mete them out ever so carefully, in just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine.”  If you find yourself struggling on your treasure hunt, don’t give up.   Think of the movie, “Indiana Jones” or any other movie that they are searching for a treasure.  Rarely is the journey easy.  The movie would be too short and too boring!  With Indiana Jones, he faced snakes, bullets, arrows, and even huge rolling stones!  Yet, in the end he does win the treasure.  Hardships are a part of our journey.  Yet they are not meant to harm us, but to give us hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11).  

If you are faced with difficulties today on your treasure hunt, push through.  It is part of the journey.   Imagine where you would be today if you would not have pushed through the tough stuff on your ISP journey.  Hardship doesn’t feel good.  But face those difficulties knowing that Jesus is tenderly walking with us.  You WILL survive and will be stronger for it.  Do not give up or give in.  He will receive the glory! 

So let’s go and uncover more treasure together! 

Kale & Cheers! 
mama eydie!  

Jesus Calling - Day 39 - February 8, 2015

In the Day 15 devotional, I referred to this familiar story of Peter walking on water in Matthew 14.  This continues to encourage me that if we keep our focus on Jesus we can rise above our problems.  “The is the way of Peace, living in the Light of My Presence.” 

There is a song called “Walk on Water” by Britt Nicole.    The words are powerful: 
You look around.  It’s staring back at you.  Another wave of doubt.  Will it pull you under, you wonder.   What if I’m overtaken.  What if I never make it?  What if no one’s there?  Will you hear my prayer?  When you take that first step into the unknown,  You know that He won’t let you go. 

Chorus:  So what are you waiting for?  What do you have to lose?  Your insecurities try to alter you.  You know you’re made for more.  So don’t be afraid to move.  Your faith is all it takes in you.  You can walk on the water too. 

So get out and let your fear fall to the ground. No time to waste.  Don’t wait.  Don’t you turn around and miss out in everything you were made for.   I know you’re not sure so you play it safe.  Try to run away.  If you take that first step into the unknown, He won’t let you go.  

(Step Out) Even when a storm hits. (Step Out)  Even when you’re broken (Step out) Even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up (Step Out) When your hope is stolen (Step Out) You can’t see where you’re going.  You don’t have to be afraid.   So what are you waiting for? 
You Can Walk on the Water too, 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 38 - February 7, 2015

Wow.  The timing of these last three devotions is amazing.  I needed these tender words, “The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary.  Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion.  Instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life.”  Again, I say wow.  

I have been living with such peace because of learning how to keep my focus on Him.  This is how I made it through the busy four months last year.  This is how I made it through this challenging weekend.  Because of lessons learned last year, it makes me stronger today as I continue to walk through challenges.  

Times when I plan to unplug from everything, I get frustrated when it doesn’t happen.   I feel guilty when I don’t want to be around anyone.   Not very often do I say, “I am exhausted.”  But after trips to Uganda is when I normally experience this.  

People will look at my life and automatically say, “I know you’re tired.”  But normally, I truly am not.  When I am functioning in His Will, I am normally energized not tired.  So when I reach those moments of total exhaustion, I know it is time to rest.  I love how this devotion was God Himself (not man) saying to me that my exhaustion was good.  This gave Him the opportunity to take over and give me rest.  The glory then goes only to the Father! 

I realized when I get to this point I am craving His rest.  What comfort to know that our God cares so tenderly for us.  He knows our limits and wants so much to be the One that will provide what we need.  

Again, all I can say is, WOW! 
mama eydie! 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 37 - February 6, 2015

“When your focus turns away from Me, you grasp for other things.  You drop the glowing gift of My Presence as you reach for lifeless ashes.”    This goes hand in hand with yesterday’s devotion.  In the busyness season I experienced at the end of 2013,  I took my eyes off of the One who could give me the rest that I needed.  I began to grasp at the frustration of not having time to unplug from everything.  When I was faced with interruptions, I did drop the gift of His Presence.  The longer it took me to dust those ashes off, the longer I stayed frustrated and upset.  I need to follow the example that Jesus did when he grieved the death of his friend, John.  He did not dwell on his grief but returned to the ministry that he came to do.  

When I am faced with difficulties, frustrations or hardships, I am learning not to dwell in that place.  I love this picture of keeping the gift of His Presence in my hands.  If I reach for the junk that surrounds me, I will drop this precious gift and become focused on negative things.  Yet if I only glance at the circumstances while holding the gift of His Presence, I will react more in a Christ-like manner than a self-centered one.  

Keeping My Eyes on Him! 
mama eydie!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 36 - February 5, 2015

To receive My Peace, you must change your grasping, controlling stance to one of openness and trust.”  Over the past eight years I have definitely experienced His Peace as I trust Him with my daily life.  When I first wrote this in 2014, I had just walked through a rough 4 months.   In a nutshell, from October 2013 to January 2014 included helping Carol move, 3 trips to Maryland, 1 trip to Uganda, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kiana home, Disaster Relief training for Ventura County, & ITW at CBU.  I was so looking forward to being home this week.  Then somewhere in the midst of ITW, I realized that I have Blue Cap Training for Disaster Relief in Fresno for 2 1/2 days.  

I learned that not only do I need to trust the Lord in the midst of busy schedules, but I need to trust Him with my quiet times.  He knows that I need a time of rest.  Yet, when I start to order my day and control my thoughts, even for a day of just peace, it damages my soul and the very peace that I desire.  

Matthew 14 gives the account of the death of John the Baptist.  Verses 13-14 are what I thought of in the midst of my desiring to be alone. ”Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns.  When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”   I am sure that Jesus was grieved at the news of the death of His friend.  Yet He trusted His Father during that time of grief and gave me a great example to follow.   The the Life Application Study Bible it said, “He didn’t dwell on his grief but he returned to the ministry that he came to do.”  

Interesting that as I write this now, I was coming off of the same busy season.  But this time I wasn’t helping Carol move or having to attend Disaster Relief trainings.  As I read this I had forgotten how overwhelming that time was in my life.  Since then, the biggest difference is not that I have less on my plate.  Going to Uganda, (and getting stuck there!), Maryland and ITW still was challenging.  It is February 5th and I am still undecorating the house from Christmas!  I have had moments I have not trusted Him and become anxious. But learning the lesson of letting go in those moments of anxiousness has made all the difference in the world.   Yesterday I had to “pull away from the crowds” to experience His peace.  So last night when I led Bible study I was ready and better equipped.  

He knows my needs.  I rest in that today trusting Him to refresh me and fill me with His Peace!   

Seeking His Face,
mama eydie 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jesus Calling - Day 35 - February 4, 2015

If you knew me prior to my going to Uganda on that first mission’s trip, you would know this statement definitely represented me, “Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and planning.”  I was busy.  That’s all there is too it.

Once I prioritized and began to focus on my RELATIONSHIP with Jesus, I began to live in the “radiance of His Presence.”  I began to experience His Peace.  My focus was no longer based on pleasing others or being busy.  I started simply spending quality time with Him daily.

So many people who knew me before Uganda still characterize me as the “busy” person I was prior to Uganda.  It took me a lifetime to become that person and I am having a hard time shaking off that image!  But even in the midst of busy seasons for me, I am not the same person I was back then.  Sometimes I think people base who we are by our Facebook posts.  That is why I no longer post frequently, especially my activities.  I contemplated quitting Facebook altogether because some people were getting too judgemental over my "busyness" and posted things publicly to prove their point.  

Yes, there are seasons that my “schedule” is fuller than others.  For example, I just went to Uganda, Maryland & then ISPland for ITW! Yes...I would call that busy!  But now I have been home for 3 days and basically been home resting!    I protect my time alone with HIm enjoying His Presence!  To some, my "busyness" may not have changed in their eyes.  Yet the biggest difference is my focus.  I am making it my "life goal to be pleasing to God" not to others. (2 Corinthians 5:9).  This is key.  When I do this I am at Peace instead of anxious.  If He is pleased with me today, that is all that matters.   The more that I spend in His Word and in prayer & worship, the more I relax in Him.   I appreciate Sarah Young’s words today that really speak to the heart of how I now live my life...“You will cease to notice how weak or strong you feel, because you will be focusing on Me.”   This makes all the difference in the world.

Resting in His Peace today!
mama eydie