In the movie, “Finding Nemo,” my favorite character is Dory. I think it is because I relate to her so well. Her “short term memory” and how she can so easily be distracted is so me! I saw a cute photo with Dory at the top and the phrase, “Keep Calm & Nope...Lost It!” I can do the same thing so often. I can get so sidetracked that I forget what I was talking about...or I am talking and then all of a sudden I say, “Oh look, there’s a fish!”
Sometimes I just have to say to myself, FOCUS! I have experienced this when it comes to my daily life. When I “bring every captive thought to Him” it truly can change the way I live out my day. Any time I can become anxious, if I bring it to Him in prayer I will experience His peace. When traffic on the way to Riverside gets crazy, instead of getting upset at the other drivers, I pray for them. When I can remember to focus on Him , “confused ideas are untangled while I rest in the simplicity of His Peace.” When I act like Dory and get distracted by the things that come my way, I take my eyes off Jesus. Usually this does not work out too well. The key to His Peace is to keep our FOCUS on Him!
Dory would say, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”
Keep calm & keep your focus on Him! Keep calm & keep your focus on Him!
mama eydie!
mama eydie!
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