Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 43 - February 12, 2014

Psalm 37:4 is a favorite verse of mine.  Because of today’s devotion, I have seen this verse in a new way.  I have learned that the first part of the verse is so important.  In order for Him to give us the desires of our heart, we first need to delight ourselves in Him.  Spending time in the Word & in prayer are important ways to delight in Him.  But I hadn’t seen what Sarah Young pointed out, “let Him become the Desire of your heart.”  That is so true!   Especially when I put that together with the first part of the devotion, “People think that thoughts are fleeting and worthless, but yours are precious to Me.”  I read that too fast and thought it said “people think that YOUR thoughts are fleeting and worthless...”  Even though I misread this, it hit too close to home.  I have been extremely hurt by people who unknowingly distracted by their own stuff, are not really listening to me.    When it happens at the wrong time, I have come to believe that my words must be worthless.   

American life moves faster than ever.  That contributes to our inability to slow down and just enjoy a simple conversation.  Even the social media use of Twitter feeds into this type of lifestyle.  With Twitter you are only allowed 140 characters to get your message across in a “tweet.”   The one I really don’t like is Snap Chat.  You snap a photo and send it, but the receiver only has 10 seconds to view the photo.  It then disappears to never be seen again!  Sometimes we behave like we are a live Twitter feed.  I can tell when I am talking to someone and over their head is a little cartoon bubble, “Her 140 characters have run out!”  

I am thankful for the reminder today that God loves me and listens with a smile on His heart.  “His Spirit, who lives within me, helps me to think His thoughts.”  God always makes time for me.  As His thoughts become my thoughts, the less I am hurt by the words or actions of others.  I begin to see others through His eyes.  I began to understand with His heart.  The key...He is becoming the only desire of my heart.  

Delighting in Him,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 42 - February 11, 2014

“My peace is like a golden Light shining on you continuously.”   One time in our Bible study group we wanted to show the powerful impact of just one candle.  We turned off all of the lights in the room.  It was pitch black!  We then lit just one candle.  It was AMAZING how the one candle just lit up the whole room!   That is what I was reminded of when Sarah Young said, “On darker days, My Peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances.”  

No matter how difficult the road can be or how dark the circumstances look, know that His Peace is always with you.  His Peace is His Hope that good will come from every circumstance.   

Do not give up.  All things are possible with God.  The Winter Olympics have had some very inspiring stories behind the athletes.  Many push though even though the circumstances looked bleak.  Remember the story of gymnast, Kerri Strug in 1996 who clenched the gold medal for the U.S. Women’s Gymnastic team on a painful, ankle injury.  They have been showing that commercial a lot during the Sochi Olympics.  

If athletes can push through to win gold medals, shouldn’t we as believer’s in Christ do even more!   We have higher stakes and represent the Eternal God of all the nations!  

Let’s go for the Gold and let His Peace stand out today! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 41 - February 10, 2014

This is one of my favorite of Jesus Calling readings, probably because it is one that I related to so well.  I love the first time I read this, “Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor.”  Until six years ago, I spent so much of my time doing the total opposite.  I spent more time with others rather than give that time to Jesus.  I was having a difficult time prioritizing my life & always wanting more hours in a day.  After I began to put into practice what I knew I SHOULD be doing, “giving myself to Him in rich communion,” I WAS able to accomplish more in less time.  It is so true that once you learn something so valuable, it is hard to go back!  

I truly was always on the go. This statement is powerful for us all, “Many, many things people do in My Name have no value in My kingdom.”  Wow.  Once I began to realize this truth, I was sorry that I spent so much of my life on the wrong path.  

This also struck me as I heard this sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley yesterday,  “A Call for Courage.”  I was struck by this statement, “Pride will destroy you.  If you want God to stop His blessing in your life, just start taking credit.  When you start taking credit it demeans the glory of God and God is not gonna give you his power not His strength, nor His assistance when you are taking credit.  We have to walk humbly before Almighty God, trusting Him every day for whatever He wants to do in our lives and recognizing it is His life and His message that we preach and it is His work that is being done in and through your life."

Powerful statement to help us evaluate our lives.  I have seasons that are busier than most.   But I would not be able walk through those times without putting Jesus first.  Time spent with Him will direct me as to what things to do and not do.  He gives me the energy to accomplish His tasks.  Most important of all, He receives the glory for it all. 

“To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me.” 

mama eydie! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 40 - February 9, 2014

Today’s devotion is a good reminder of the treasure hunts I use when I lead teams to Uganda or London.  “I rejoice in Your Word like one who discovers a great treasure” – Psalm 119:162   

We began the hunt with a devotion booklet called,  “40 Days with Jesus”  which helped to discover clues towards finding more treasures.  We now are using Jesus Calling for 2014 to uncover even more!  We are discovering that each person’s treasures & journey’s are different.   The key to discovery on our ISP trips was making sure we each had a devotion time with the Lord daily. How can we find treasures the Lord has for us if we don’t take the time to search?! 

Today is a reminder to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to lead you on your own treasure hunt. It didn't stop when they came home from our trip, or when we finished the 40 Days with Jesus booklet.  I encourage them to continue to dig deep.  Today’s devotion encouraged me:   “Hardships are part of the journey too.  I mete them out ever so carefully, in just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine.”  

If you find yourself struggling on your treasure hunt, don’t give up.   Think of the movie, “Indiana Jones” or any other movie that they are searching for a treasure.  Rarely is the journey easy.  The movie would be too short and too boring!  With Indiana Jones, he faced snakes, bullets, arrows, and even huge rolling stones!  Yet, in the end he does win the treasure.  Hardships are a part of our journey.  Yet they are not meant to harm us, but to give us hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11).  

If you are faced with difficulties today on your treasure hunt, push through.  It is part of the journey.   I wonder where my ISP students would be today if they had not pushed through the tough stuff on their journeys.  Hardship doesn’t feel good.  But face your difficulties knowing that Jesus is tenderly walking with you.  You WILL survive and will be stronger for it.  Do not give up or give in.  He will receive the glory! 

So let’s go and uncover more treasure together! 

Kale & Cheers! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 39 - February 8, 2014

In the Day 15 devotional, I referred to this familiar story of Peter walking on water in Matthew 14.  This continues to encourage me that if we keep our focus on Jesus we can rise above our problems.  “The is the way of Peace, living in the Light of My Presence.” 

There is a song called “Walk on Water” by Britt Nicole.    The words are powerful: 
You look around.  It’s staring back at you.  Another wave of doubt.  Will it pull you under, you wonder.   What if I’m overtaken.  What if I never make it?  What if no one’s there?  Will you hear my prayer?  When you take that first step into the unknown,  You know that He won’t let you go. 

Chorus:  So what are you waiting for?  What do you have to lose?  Your insecurities try to alter you.  You know you’re made for more.  So don’t be afraid to move.  Your faith is all it takes in you.  You can walk on the water too. 

So get out and let your fear fall to the ground. No time to waste.  Don’t wait.  Don’t you turn around and miss out in everything you were made for.   I know you’re not sure so you play it safe.  Try to run away.  If you take that first step into the unknown, He won’t let you go.  

(Step Out) Even when a storm hits. (Step Out)  Even when you’re broken (Step out) Even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up (Step Out) When your hope is stolen (Step Out) You can’t see where you’re going.  You don’t have to be afraid.   So what are you waiting for? 

You Can Walk on the Water too, 
mama eydie 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 38 - February 7, 2014

Wow.  The timing of these last three devotions is amazing.  I needed these tender words, “The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary.  Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion.  Instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life.”  Again, I say wow.  

I have been living with such peace because of learning how to keep my focus on Him.  That truly is how I have made it through these past busy four months.  So when I got to Tuesday and just wanted to unplug from everything, I got frustrated when I wasn’t able to just be alone.  I thought that I had taken a step backwards.  I felt guilty that I didn’t want to be around anyone.  Not very often do I say, “I am exhausted.”  But this was one of those times.   People will look at my life and automatically say, “I know you’re tired.”  But normally, I truly am not.  When I am functioning in His Will, I am normally energized not tired.  So when I reach those moments of total exhaustion, I know it is time to rest.  I love how this devotion was God Himself (not man) saying to me that my exhaustion was good.  This gave Him the opportunity to take over and give me rest.  The glory then goes only to the Father! 

I realized that I was craving His rest.  What comfort to know that our God cares so tenderly for us.  He knows our limits and wants so much to be the One that will provide what we need.  

Again, all I can say is, WOW! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 37 - February 6, 2014

“When your focus turns away from Me, you grasp for other things.  You drop the glowing gift of My Presence as you reach for lifeless ashes.”    This goes hand in hand with yesterday’s devotion.  Instead of keeping my focus on Him, I took my eyes off of the One who could give me the rest that I needed.  I began to grasp at the frustration of not having time to unplug from everything.  When I was faced with interruptions, I did drop the gift of His Presence.  The longer it took me to dust those ashes off, the longer I stayed frustrated and upset.  I need to follow the example that Jesus did when he grieved the death of his friend, John.  He did not dwell on his grief but returned to the ministry that he came to do.  

When I am faced with difficulties, frustrations or hardships, I am learning not to dwell in that place.  I love this picture of keeping the gift of His Presence in my hands.  If I reach for the junk that surrounds me, I will drop this precious gift and become focused on negative things.  Yet if I only glance at the circumstances while holding the gift of His Presence, I will react more in a Christ-like manner than a self-centered one.  

Keeping My Eyes on Him! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 36 - February 5, 2014

I have learned a very interesting lesson today.  “To receive My Peace, you must change your grasping, controlling stance to one of openness and trust.”  Over the past six years I have definitely experienced His Peace as I trust Him with my daily life.  It is the only way that I have walked through the past 4 months.  In a nutshell, the last few months have included helping Carol move, 3 trips to Maryland, 1 trip to Uganda, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kiana coming home for the holidays , Disaster Relief training for Ventura County, & ITW at CBU.  I was so looking forward to being home this week.  Then somewhere in the midst of ITW, I realized that I have Blue Cap Training for Disaster Relief in Fresno for 2 1/2 days.  

I learned that not only do I need to trust the Lord in the midst of busy schedules, but I need to trust Him with my quiet times.  He knows that I need a time of rest.  Yet, when I start to order my day and control my thoughts, even for a day of just peace, it damages my soul and the very peace that I desire.  

Matthew 14 gives the account of the death of John the Baptist.  Verses 13-14 are what I thought of in the midst of my desiring to be alone. ”Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns.  When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”   I am sure that Jesus was grieved at the news of the death of His friend.  Yet He trusted His Father during that time of grief and gave me a great example to follow.   In the Life Application Study Bible it said, “He didn’t dwell on his grief but he returned to the ministry that he came to do.”  

He knows my needs.  I rest in that today trusting Him to refresh me and fill me with His Peace!   

Seeking His Face,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 35 - February 4, 2014

If you knew me prior to my going to Uganda on that first mission’s trip, you would know this statement definitely represented me, “Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and planning.”  I was busy.  That’s all there is too it.  

Once I prioritized and began to focus on my RELATIONSHIP with Jesus, I began to live in the “radiance of His Presence.”  I began to experience His Peace.  My focus was no longer based on pleasing others or being busy.  I started simply spending quality time with Him daily.  

What amazes me is how many people will still characterize me as the “busy” person I was prior to Uganda.  I no longer live my life like that.  Sometimes I think people base who we are by our Facebook posts.  That is why I am careful how I use social media. 

It makes me laugh every time someone’s automatic response to me is “I know that you are busy...”  I now just relax inside and say, “No, I’m actually not.”  I am thankful for the lessons that I have learned about enjoying His Presence.  The more that I spend in His Word and in prayer & worship, the more I relax in Him.  Yes, there are seasons that my “schedule” is fuller than others.  But I appreciate Sarah Young’s words today that really speak to the heart of how I now live my life...“You will cease to notice how weak or strong you feel, because you will be focusing on Me.”   This makes all the difference in the world.  

Resting in His Peace today! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 34 - February 3, 2014

I get teased all the time when I open presents.  I tend to open slowly, trying to lift each piece of scotch tape carefully as to not rip the paper.  I unfold very patiently to prolong the excitement of the gift!  As family and friends look on they watch with smiles.  But if a thought bubble would be raised over their heads I am sure I would see statements like, “Rip the paper already!  Hurry up!”  

Reading the devotion today brought me to the picture of my opening presents.  “Receive today’s gift gratefully, unwrapping it tenderly and delving into its depths.  As you savor this gift, you find Me.”  Yes!!!!  I know whatever gift awaits me it will be good. I trust that when a gift is given it will not hurt me.  Even though I can not see it until the package is opened, I trust nothing bad is going to jump out at me.  

I want to look at each day this way.  I trust God.  I know when I open the gift of today I will find Him!  So family and friends...the way I open presents is here to stay!  Now, I may even go slower!  Oh no!  Ha ha!  

SAVOR the Gift! 
mama eydie ! 

Jesus Calling - Day 33 - February 2, 2014

I have got caught in the trap of focusing in on a problem, “circling round and round it in attempts to gain mastery.”  I was miserable when I was caught in this “merry go round” journey.  When I finally got off of that ride, it was as if I was slapped in the face or had a bucket of cold water dumped on me.  It was the wake up call that I was stuck on a ride I didn’t need to stay on.  My energy and attention were all directed to the negative problem.  

During the heyday of the carousel in the U.S. about 1880 to 1921, they would have brass ring devices that were designed to perhaps draw interest or build excitement to riders.   If a rider managed to grab a brass ring, it could be redeemed for a free ride. (Wikipedia)  

In order to grab the ring, you would have to keep your focus.  If you kept your eye on everything else going on around you, it would distract you from reaching the prize.  I think that is the sentiment behind today’s devotion.  If we keep our focus on our problems and feeling sorry for ourselves we will be miserable.  I can testify that it doesn’t fix the problem.   Let’s train ourselves to keep our focus on His Presence.  Our lives sometimes are like a merry-go-round going faster than we would like.  Sit and enjoy His Presence.  We will win the prize each time if we just seek His face every moment of each day. 

Reaching for the Prize! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 32 - February 1, 2014

Before I left for Uganda, I had a few minutes to speak at my church before they commissioned me off in prayer.  One of the things I remember that I said was, “I am going and just following Him one step at a time.”  It was so exciting to watch God work as I truly did just put one foot in front of the other.  The outcome was so much better than anything I could have planned.  

In my previous fast pace life, I was either so busy planning or worrying about what to do, that I did find myself often “stumbling on the easy path.”  I didn’t realize that I was in trouble. Who knew?  It really is all about “Keeping my mind on the present journey, enjoying His Presence, walking by faith, not by sight, trusting Him to open up the way before me.”  When this truth moved from my head to my heart it made all the difference in the world.  

Another song, “He Moves, You Move” by Audio Adrenaline...
“You, you’re scared to take a step, afraid to see what’s next
So you wait ‘til you think it’s safe to move.  You tend to think too much,
You need to open up your heart to see where He is leading

With a lamp just for your feet, a spotlight just for your path

When He moves, you’ve got to move, you know
You’ve got to lose control, let go.  There’s nothing left to hold on to
This life you live is really not your own.  So where He goes you go, you know
He leads and you follow.  He moves, you move.  He moves, you move
He moves, you move.  When He moves, you move

Right now, is all you ever have so forget the past.  And don’t worry about the future
‘Cause He’s the Author of your story,  So let Him take you on the journey of your life
Oh, it starts tonight

So if I move to the right, or I move to the left
Move up north, move down south, the east or the west
No matter how far I go, or if I stay right here
If I’m in the middle of Your will, there’s nothing left to fear.”

mama eydie! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 31 - January 31, 2014

I woke up this morning and I began to praise the Lord by listening to music.  
I put on the song, “Everything to Me” by Avalon.  
“But I'll never be the same because He changed my life when He became...  
Everything to me.  He's more than a story.  More than words on a page of history
He is the air that I breathe, the water I thirst for and the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, everything to me”

Then I listened to the song, “Everything” by Andy Chrisman...
“Everyday there's something more to discover about You
Every time my eyes are uncovered I see more of You
Taken back by the depth of love and the echo of Your name
And the way that You never change  
And there's more, and more, and more and more.”  

I was filled with so much joy as I look to this new day that He has planned for me.  Then I read today’s devotion.  I was reminded of the day that I woke up after I had quit my job. I remember all of the mornings that I woke up that led up to that decision.  Mornings that I had that deep pit anxious feeling in the stomach not knowing what to do.  I woke up worrying, scared, sad and discouraged.  Today the contrast between waking up and worrying about the day or trusting that “He has planned out each day and has it ready for me long before I rise out of bed” is life changing!   When we put the Shield of Faith on each day from Ephesians 6, it is not an inanimate piece of armor.  He is always alert and active.   Put the armor on today then march into battle praising the Lord! 

Psalm 28:7 “the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.  My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.”  

Waking up singing songs of Praise!  
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 30 - January 30, 2014

Once I recognized that His daily Presence was the key to His peace, everything around me began to fall into place.  The more that I keep my focus on Him, the more the things that used to occupy my mind would fade away.  It truly was as if I was living in bondage...and I didn’t even know it.  Not until I broke free and gave it all over to Him did I truly experience His Peace.  The day I left my job and all the junk behind, I experienced the “peace that passes all understanding.”  To this day, that Peace occupies my day to day life.  It truly is how we can walk through the challenges of this life. 

Think on this phrase, “Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god.”  This became so true of my job at the church.  It occupied so much of my time and energy.  I made the church my god rather than focusing on my relationship with the true God.  I didn’t realize how much bondage I was in.  It became easier than I thought because full-time Christian work is suppose to be a good thing, right?  Yet I allowed the “gods” of church to occupy more of my mind than my giving God that time He alone deserved. That is where I found myself in trouble and didn’t know why.

What is it that occupies your mind the most?   Refresh yourself in HIs Presence alone today!  It truly will make a difference! 

Keeping My Eyes on Him! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 29 - January 29, 2014

In the movie, “Finding Nemo,” my favorite character is Dory.  I think it is because I relate to her so well.  Her “short term memory” and how she can so easily be distracted is so me!   I saw a cute photo with Dory at the top and the phrase, “Keep Calm & Nope...Lost It!”  I can do the same thing so often.  I can get so sidetracked that I forget what I was talking about...or I am talking and then all of a sudden I say, “Oh look, there’s a fish!”  

Sometimes I just have to say to myself, FOCUS!  I have experienced this when it comes to my daily life.  When I “bring every captive thought to Him” it truly can change the way I live out my day.  Any time I can become anxious, if I bring it to Him in prayer I will experience His peace.  When traffic on the way to Riverside gets crazy, instead of getting upset at the other drivers, I pray for them.  When I can remember to focus on Him , “confused ideas are untangled while I rest in the simplicity of His Peace.”  When I act like Dory and get distracted by the things that come my way, I take my eyes off Jesus.  Usually this does not work out too well.   The key to His Peace is to keep our FOCUS on Him! 

Dory would say, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”  

Keep calm & keep your focus on Him!   Keep calm & keep your focus on Him! 
mama eydie!


Jesus Calling - Day 28 - January 28, 2014

“People respond to My continual Presence in various ways.  Most Christians accept this teaching as truth but ignore it in their daily living.”  This was true of my own life.  When I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, I understood that I now have a personal relationship with Him.  His Presence should have made all the difference in the world.  Yet because it is unseen, there were times I lived my life forgetting that He is right there with me in everything that I say or do.  

Then six years ago, I had that “ah ha” moment.   Little did I know that I was lacking in truly having a DAILY RELATIONSHIP with Him.   As I watched the children in Uganda display this authentic faith in Jesus, I realized something was missing in my walk.  The simplicity of it all was that I just was not spending enough time in daily communication with Him.  The Word began to come alive in my hands!  I started spending more time daily reading and studying His Word.  I spent time talking to Him each day .  Amazing how a relationship can grow when you invest in the relationship! 

The move that Carol made back East has taught us both many valuable lessons.  Living with Carol for 7 weeks while I helped her through the packing and moving process caused us to spend quality time together.  We were given a gift by being able to have so much time daily together.  In the 17 years since I’ve known Carol, this process of her moving has caused us to be closer than ever!  Why?  Because we value our relationship and do everything we can to invest in it.  The more time we spend together, the deeper the friendship becomes.  The time I just spent in Maryland on my way home was precious because we actually had a couple of days to be in each other’s presence. 

How much more exciting is it that Jesus’ Presence is ALWAYS with us!!   He is just waiting to spend that quality time with Him!  Why not spend time with Him today and see for yourself!  I am not sure why I waited so long! 

Experiencing His Peace,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 27 - January 27, 2014

Proverbs 3:5-6 is definitely a life verse for me.  I have depended on this promise from the Lord time and time again.  The words of this verse say it all, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  

I am learning on this trip to Uganda that He has everything in control.  As I lean on Him and ask Him to guide and direct me, He will show me the path that He has carved out for me.  As I pray for wisdom and discernment, I pray that I do not go ahead of Him in any decision.  I look back on last year of Raining Hope.  There were many things that I was faced with at this time last year.  If I would have acted on my own understanding of what I thought we should do, we would be digging ourselves out of a hole right now.  But trusting in His direction sometimes takes time to understand.  We have heard many say that it is not the destination but the journey that is important.  Both are important, but we want to make sure we arrive at the destination that He has planned for us.  

On one of the homeschool field trips that we took to Washington DC for Kiana, the Smithsonian cleverly used the movie, “Night at the Museum” to create a “treasure hunt” to walk through their various museums.  I am not a museum person as Carol and Kiana know!  But because they gave me a fun tool to use, I was the one leading them from place to place to find the answers to the questions!  I was enjoying the journey so much more because at each stop, it was exciting to find the answers!  

We are given the right tools to walk through this life.  His Word is our guide book to find great treasures in this world.  He is willing to be our Guide if we just trust in Him with our whole heart.  Each experience will guide us to the next clue to find the treasures He has in store.  Pull out your Treasure Map today!  His Word will guide & direct you on THE right path.  This is a much better way to walk through life! 

Finding His Peace,
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 26 - January 26, 2014

We can so easily get tangled up in needless worry.  I wish that I could have learned this lesson earlier in my life.  One of the reasons that the problems I encountered over 6 years ago when I was walking through that difficult period was because I was trying to solve the problems that were bombarding me.  If only I could have “poured my energy into seeking Him, the Perfect One...what a difference that would have made.  I would have worried less and probably suffered less heartache to my heart.  

Once I learned to let go and put my trust in Him not man, that is when He began to teach me how to truly walk through my troubles.  Through that dark time in my life, it wasn’t until I gave up all control to Him did I begin to experience true peace.  I picture those “trust walks” that we have done as exercises to learn to trust the one that is leading you by the hand.  This is the picture I have of that time in my life.  I basically blindfolded myself so that I could not see what was up ahead.  I followed the wrong leader.  But then I grabbed Jesus’ hand and let Him lead.  In the midst of that His peace overwhelmed my heart.   I want to believe that others see “His Light shining brightly through me rather than chaos, control and worry.  

He knows the way.  Let’s follow Him with confidence and peace.  There is no other way. 

This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let it Shine! 
mama eydie 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 25 - January 25, 2014

“Let my Love enfold you in the radiance of My Glory.  Sit still in the Light of My Presence, and receive my Peace.”  As I read this in Uganda, I embraced the whole devotion as such a gift from the Lord.  God sent me to Uganda 6 years ago to experience this very truth.  I have learned by experience that “these quiet moments with Him do transcend time.”   There is such a peace about being at the Nile River.  It is as if time just stops and it is just God and me.  

So many of you know that my life was transformed when I traveled to Uganda for the first time.  But it is not only that I have a wonderful group of children at Raining Hope as my extended family.  It is not because of the work we do taking care of needs of those in Uganda.  It is because in Uganda is where I learned how to truly focus on Him.  I learned the value of a daily, intimate relationship with Jesus.  It was in Uganda that the Lord began that transformation process from the inside out.  

The more that give Him the sacrifice of my time, He truly is abundantly blessing me and my loved ones...in the US and in Africa!   

Be still,
mama eydie kisakye! 

Jesus Calling - Day 24 - January 24, 2014

This is one of my greatest treasures that I have received, the gift of His Peace.  I think that it is interesting that the devotion today calls it “a pearl of great price.”  The fact that I am in Jinja, Uganda the place they call “The Pearl of Africa‘ is amazing timing.  Someone from South Africa I know sent me a message on Facebook and said, “Welcome back home to the Pearl of Africa!”  

I have related to the parable in Matthew 13 about the Hidden Treasure.  “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field.” (Matthew 13:44)  I received the gift of His peace when I came here to Uganda during a very difficult time in my life.  Just like the parable, I seemed to stumble onto His Peace in a place I wasn’t anticipating finding it.  This place is priceless.  Those who have come with me to Uganda know what I am talking about.  Peace abounds here.  Specifically when we stay at the Hotel Paradise, it is as if the buried treasure is all over these grounds!  That is why I continue to invest in the lives of others to bring them here to this place.  My life was transformed here as I dug for buried treasures!  

The parable of the Pearl Merchant is about the merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. “When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!”  God paid a huge price in order to redeem us.  He sees value in us!  This was a new revelation for me that these two parables are back to back in the gospels.  It  shows the value of the treasures He has hidden for us to find...but that He values us as His treasure!   Wow! 

Look for hidden treasures today that are all around you! 
I am still finding them here in Uganda! 
mama eydie! 

Jesus Calling - Day 23 - January 23, 2014

As I sit here at the River Nile, there is a peace that flows throughout my soul.  The Lord brought me here 6 years ago to teach me how to “be still and know that He is God.”  I have learned to “intersperse these peaceful interludes abundantly throughout my day.  It has enabled me to attain a quiet & gentle spirit, which is pleasing to Him.”  

I Peter 3:4 has been one of my life verses.  You know that I don’t have a very loud voice & I am not the crazy one at a party!  But this verse took on a deeper meaning the past 6 years.  God had to bring me half way across the world to get me out of my busy life in order to hear from Him.  Because of my wounded soul, I spent much time alone trying to make sense of a senseless situation.  I gained a new strength in the meaning of a 

“gentle and quiet spirit.”  His power can speak loud even if no words are said.   The kind of gentle & quiet spirit 1 Peter 3:4 is talking about is not weak.  On the contrary, it is strong & powerful because it is a spirit that desires to please Him above man.  (Romans 2:29) 

I pray others would be able to see Him in me whether I say one word or not.  Coming back to the Nile is always my reminder of how His Peace speaks loud and clear! 

Quiet Before Him, 

mama eydie  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Jesus Calling - Day 22 - January 22, 201

This has been what has made the difference in my life it “trusting Him more and more in all areas of my life.”  Pastor Cliff always has said, “To praise God in all circumstances.”  This truth, as hard as it has been at times, has made all the difference in the world.  If I say that I trust Him with my life, I need to prove that in my actions.  Proverbs 3:5-6 is a favorite verse of mine.  Reading in the Amplified version gives it even more depth. “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insights or understanding.  In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” 

When I saw the words, “Lean on” I thought of the Bill Withers song, “Lean On Me.”  Look up the words to that song.  It is a secular song, but has a good message when it comes to friendship.  I love the verse that says, “Lean on me, when you’re not strong.  I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.”  There are times that we lean heavily on a friend to help carry us through.  But there are also times when we look for someone to lean on, but they let us down and are not there.  Yet, Jesus is there at all times as the One who we can always lean on.   I find the more that I have learned to lean on Him, it has given me a peace that passes all understanding.  It is my default now.  As others have let me down, I have learned that He never does.  

So why not go to Jesus who we know will never let us down.   Lean on Him and He will help us carry on in our journey. 

No worries!  Just trust Him! 
mama eydie 

Jesus Calling - Day 21 - January 21, 2014

I love this truth that my security rests in Him alone - not in other people, not in circumstances.  I spent so much of my life depending on others and not even realizing it.  Because I have spent so much of the last 6 years learning what it means to have an authentic relationship with Jesus, I see clearly how much I depended on others rather than Jesus.  It is an easy cycle to get caught up into.  There is a desire in all of us to be valued and loved.  But when we depend on people first to fill that hole in our lives is when we get in trouble.  

“Depending only on Me may feel like walking on a tightrope, but there is a safety net underneath: the everlasting arms.  So don’t be afraid of falling.”  How many times have I been afraid to take the first step?   In the movie, “Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade,” there was a scene when Indiana comes to a big chasm.  There was not a way that was visible for him to cross.  “Indiana is faced with the impossible. All he sees is the sheer cliff edge and the vast gulf beneath him. Then, as he studies his guidebook, his face relaxes in realization, and he says, "It's a leap of faith.  With his father whispering, "You must believe, boy, you must believe," Indiana looks straight ahead, gathers his courage, and slowly raises one foot into the empty air in front of him. With a thud, his foot lands on solid ground. The camera pans to show Indiana standing on a narrow rock bridge, deceptively carved to match the exact outline of the ravine beneath it.” (Taken from “Stepping Out in Faith - Brad Bailey April 3, 2005) 

Let’s depend only on Him today.  If we would just take that first step, He will have solid ground underneath for us to step on.  We don’t need to be afraid of falling or failing.  Keep your eyes on Him and step out in faith today! 

Stepping with you, 
mama eydie